
vrijdag 16 december 2011

God Fear the Beast - Interviews from the Farm 31

Interviews from the Farm 31: God Fear the Beast

Interviews with Bernard Poolman

28 Oct 09

So ‘Why’ – did ‘God ‘Fear’’ ‘The Beast’? ‘God ‘Feared’’ ‘The Beast’ ‘So-Much’ – That ‘God’ had to get ‘‘All’-Men’ – to ‘Fear ‘The Beast’’.

‘What Is-‘The Beast’’? ‘The Beast’ – Is ‘‘That’ which is – From-‘The Earth’’.
What is ‘God’? ‘God’ is ‘‘That’ which is From-‘Above’’ – ‘Seemingly’ ‘The ‘Heavens’, but in ‘Actual-Fact’ it is: ‘The ‘Mind’’.

What is – ‘Very-Fascinating’, is that – ‘The ‘Mind’’ can Only ‘Exist’ = with ‘Energy’. And the ‘‘Producer’ of the ‘Energy’’ is ‘The Beast’ – which is the ‘Physical-Body’. Without the ‘Physical-Body’ = ‘The ‘Mind’’ Cannot-‘Exist’.

Now, ‘God’ – there Was-‘Such a ‘Thing’ in-‘Heaven’’ = ‘‘Knew’-This’ – ‘‘Found’ This-‘Out’ a Bit ‘Too-Late’’: That – With the ‘‘Creation’ of ‘The Beast’’, which is ‘Man’- ‘God’ is ‘No-Longer ‘God’’ – but ‘God’ Became ‘‘Subject’ To-‘Man’’.

The ‘Only-‘Way’’ To – ‘Convince-‘Man’’, or ‘The Beast’ – that it was ‘Less-Than’, was to – ‘‘Place’ Man’ through a ‘Process’ of ‘‘Dishonour’ and ‘Indignation’’ – a ‘Belief’ that ‘Somehow’ – ‘‘Man’ is ‘Flawed’’, while In-Fact: ‘The Beast’ is ‘Not-‘Flawed’ – ‘The ‘Mind’ is ‘Flawed’’ – it is ‘‘God’ that is ‘Flawed’’.

‘God’ – ‘Created the ‘Idea’’, that ‘Man’ – cannot ‘Redeem’-Himself, That ‘The Beast’ – Cannot-‘Be ‘More’ Than ‘The Beast’’ – while In-Fact, the Very-‘Fact’ of ‘The Beast’-Itself was Already-‘More than ‘God’’ – because: ‘The Beast’ could ‘Produce Another-‘Man’’, while ‘‘God’ Can´t’.
‘God’ Cannot-‘Produce ‘Man’’ = ‘‘The Beast’ Can’. ‘God’ – Cannot Even ‘Educate’ – ‘Man’ = ‘The Beast’ ‘‘Educate’ Man’.

‘The Beast’ is ‘‘Actually’ ‘The ‘One’’ In-‘Total-‘Control’’ – ‘God’ is ‘Nowhere to be-‘Found’’, but in-‘Stories’ and in-‘Fear’.

‘When’ – ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realize’, that it ‘Is ‘In-Fact’’ = ‘‘The Master’ of ‘Creation’’? When ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realized’…‘Re­alize’, that it ‘Is ‘In-Fact’’ = The ‘‘Master’ of its Own-‘Destiny’’? When ‘Will-‘The Beast’’ – ‘Realize’, That it ‘Is-‘Simple’’ – By ‘Realizing’ ‘‘All’-Beasts’ to be ‘Equal’’, and ‘‘Treating’ Each-Other As-‘Equals’’ = ‘No-‘God’ will be ‘Needed’’. When will ‘The Beast’ – ‘Realize’, it has ‘Become’ – ‘‘Under’ ‘The Deception of ‘God’’ = its ‘Own Worst-Enemy’?

‘Kill-‘God’’! Let ‘‘The Beast’ ‘Reign’’!

This is an article by Desteni, published Oct 28 2009.

By the G-race of Consciousness synonym cautiousness synonym fear

All consciousness is primitive by nature - be it divine, higher or enlightened primitivity.

As long as we've lived we've existed in consciousness as fear v.v.. Why would we have to be concious of something or someone if we were not cautious?

Word: cautious
Synonym cautious: alert
Synonym cautious: cagey
Synonym cautious: cagy
Synonym cautious: careful
Synonym cautious: careful
Synonym cautious: cautious
Synonym cautious: chary
Synonym cautious: chary
Synonym cautious: dilatory
Synonym cautious: distrustful
Synonym cautious: fabian
Synonym cautious: gingerly
Synonym cautious: guarded
Synonym cautious: guarded
Synonym cautious: judicious
Synonym cautious: mistrustful
Synonym cautious: on your guard
Synonym cautious: overcautious
Synonym cautious: prudent
Synonym cautious: restrained
Synonym cautious: suspicious
Synonym cautious: unadventurous
Synonym cautious: vigilant
Synonym cautious: wary
Synonym cautious: watchful

This being taught (thought) like 'normal' from generation to generation by our (grand)parents and society to be conscious: you have to fear other people for they can steal your bread a.k.a. job / name / status. But you don't know you are living in it / fear of almost every change because you are used to it. You are it.

Why would we think / be conscious if not for survival = fear?

Why do we not breathe constantly here as life - no consciousness?

Do you realise that consciousness weares you out physically?

Do you realise that aging exist by the grace of consciousness?

Do you realise that disease exist by the grace of consciousness?

Do you realise that who we really are is here in every moment of breath?

In silence you can see the mind consciousness is a delusion. Mind over matter destroys all and everything here on Earth.

To love all equally needs no consciousness

Art by Ingrid Bloemheuvel

Educate yourself and read all of the research material of the intricate mind consciousness systems at