
zaterdag 15 oktober 2011

Walking out of the Cage called Relationship into an Agreement with Self as All as One

Daily Writings Shit Out

See into me equal and one the parrot parent relationship - I step out of the self limiting cage of a relationship and stop parrotting / parenting my partner - I start here living myself practically, applying myself, directing myself, becoming equal and one as all here - living self honesty to birth myself as equality and oneness as Life self.

OK - I am here currently living with a male human being in this house for we / I needed to eat and pay the house and he needed to eat and a roof over his head. Things god completely intertwined wihin myself due to our allowances and acceptances - whereas in 2007 I began to hear myself talk like my mom and dad ...whooah I am a preprogrammed robot - i repeat a program lol. All kinds of words came up in me in which I heard my mom and dad talk in my childhood. I said then "This is not me!" to others as me. Not like in a 'right' or 'wrong' towards my parents - no I honor them deeply, it's that there is much more going on than meets the eye. So it's this way of living I found limiting ergo I limit myself in believing this has to / will be allways like this ergo I have to be like this (which is not through the Desteni tools).

I came to live in this village in 1997 and till then - till my thirtieth - I lived here and there in (student) communities with up to 14 people, which I liked a lot. In this house I have withdrawn myself from the local gossipal / religious community because I was no way able to dare stand up and say stop talking shit "Stop till here and no further". I knew that for example the words of Jesus were completely distorted here and put outside self, this I saw as a child happening outside the church where no one was really living the words "Forgiveness'", "Love thy neighbour", "Give and you will be given" etcetera etcetera - nevertheless I self did nothing to change self, did not have self trust to correct myself - fear of being locked up for speaking - fear of so called 'grown up' people and and and...the works, so Herman and I were merely playing the same PROGRAM as we grew up in - playing house - to be short. Our first 7 childhood years itch palying out - repeating cycles, repeating, repeating.
Anu anu

What on Earth is going on?

This World Cage System we 'live' in must and WILL END as it exists - inside and outside.

Apparently there is going on much more which I became aware of through the Desteni material. It's ... Structural Resonance, in which we resonate within self as the mind as with eachother in the same old shit - tied to thoughts, feelings, emotions, pictures, words a.k.a. the matrix - the three dimensional projected holgraphic reality we live in. To disconnect myself from the matrix to become real as the physical I therefor walk this Structural Resonance Alignment Training within the Desteni courses to END this WORLD - these robot machines - as who we have become.

"Parrots are social by nature and they like being in groups and that is what makes them effective as well with in becoming gentle and getting over their own personal issues, because that is what groups do, they push each other to be able to live together."
5 African Grey Parrots - at Desteni....... 
Gentle agreement with Self
Here the clue, clé, key.

How I walk out of the cage of the mind as all relationships and to become equal and one with and as self is through the KEY of Self honesty, self forgiveness, self application, self trust.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to litterally retreat within me and my world.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to slowly but surely remove
myself from participation within me and me world because I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself upon something or someone outside of me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give up on myself.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to judge myself.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be disappointed in me.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear religions.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted my feelings of inferiority towards the royal reformed christian communiTIES / famiLIES.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to doubt myself as the words of Jesus.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself not living the word.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to have myself caged into the mind consciousness system as relationships.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear beliefs.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to doubt myself as the words of Jesus.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to have fallen in love with Jesus.

Building Self Trust ---

Research material (mathematics) ---

None is free till all are free ---

The eye of the needle = Desteni 'I' Process

Daily diabolic diaries

I am here sitting again and can't seem to get what I want to write out in written nor spoken words in a structured way, yet. This is frustrating me enormously. I just write here - stop self judging. Going through the day doing stuff there are as allways a number of self realisations and / or general topics I'd like to write out of myself, but it circles only in my head. Therefor I stop suppressing myself as who I really am - no mind.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to suppress myself in such a way that I can not write myself out in every moment in a way I am at ease with myself.

Well - this'll be the (in)famous "Eye of the needle" - I have to really push myself through these points - self forgiveness, self correction, self managements of time and space, breathing, vlogging, writing, physical activities.

I stop my ego wants it all kNOW. The physical need to know nothing (see other on this blog).

Excerpt from Osho: Isolation
Let's take an example to explain. Let's say you had a certain a task - a certain task to fulfill - and within yourself, you had a certain, particular expectation to fulfill that particular task; and because you couldn't live up to your own expectation of you with regards to fulfilling this particular, specific task, which you projected into the future, you gave up on yourself within yourself. And because you gave up on yourself and judged yourself and accepted and allowed yourself to be disappointed in you, you went into an experience of hopelessness and helplessness - meaning, the belief that it's too late, “I’ve fucked up, I cannot and will not move me/will me to fulfill the task at hand” - and then what occurs is you literally retreating inside yourself to isolating yourself actually because of fear, fear of failing again, fear of not living up to your expectations. 
The first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself.
But, have a look at the interesting cycle, because the first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself. Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future. The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists. Failure only exists because you have a perceived expectation of yourself, because of a projection manifested within the future; and then, inevitably, disappointment will manifest within and as yourself because you didn't live up to your expectations and failed according to a belief within yourself; and then, the being disappointed within yourself because you didn't fulfill what you projected into the future of what is there to be fulfilled. And then what happens is a fear is manifested within self because you do not want to experience failure or disappointment within yourself again so, what you do is you throw your hands up in the air and just give up completely and entirely - and then the giving up you succumb to the fear within yourself and then isolate yourself within you and your world.

Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future.

The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists.

[ Isle = I ' ll ]

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be disappointed in me.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be dis-honest with myself in accepting and allowing myself to have an expectation of myself within myself.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself ...

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself ...

I am applying Self forgiveness on these old points I am aware of to here help myself clear the mind through deconstructing self isolation / self desolation as family system constructs of the mind. I stop walking ahead of myself - a serious ('Sirius'/ 'Sirians') mindfuck of me. I must simlpy walk / work with what is here - facing the consequential outflows of my mind - stopping, not wanting to be there in the future where I've done more of this or that what I know deconstructing. I am here and I have to realise this is simply a process of Past Time-Line Resonance Correction.

I stop the Knowing - Nosing.

I am patience.

I really have to stop speaking and realise - I am all here, I am breathing, I am God, I am the living word!

I stop participating in anuone's thought, feeling and / or emotion.

Needless to speak for they don't wanna hear...
and I screw me for not breathing as One!

I am responsible for stopping the Design of Verbal Diarrhea in myself as the world. 

Needs - needles to self forgive.

No body can free themselves from the mind systems without the minimum of four year DIP course - for we are all pre-programmed slaves to mind consciousness systems - slaves to the rythm of our minds drums.

No where else on Earth than in the Desteni mathematics is being exposed how that it is the mind that is bothering each and everyone of us to really be FREE as self-expression as the Breath of Life here equal and one as all as who we really are.

Birth Self in Self support,self assistance, self direction, self reliance for self trust and self expression  - Self Forgiveness and Self Application for the Destruction of the Structural Resonance

To become the silence of sound...

Self realisation ---

Research material --- (mathematically proven)

Common sense ---