We are the villains - we accept and allow all that exist in the world as it is - WE CREATED IT as Self as Creator. We have to stand up and take responsiblity for all as one.
"Life is being paid deer"
A dutch play that stood out to me for a long time is this well-known play with Kniertje and the fishing folk called "De vis wordt duur betaald" - "The fish is being paid deer".
(Kniertje died - nier = kidney failure)
Here in this play as was in their 'real life' the women were allways waiting for their men coming home from long long fishing trips oversees with the fish representing money and survival. I f they were save(d) - "all was fine for a while". Generations and generations were in constant fear and had to make up a God in the Heavens to sustain themselves somehow to get by, to come through life, to not die of fear. Thus - it is not the fish that is paid deer - Life is. It were folks that separated themselves more and more as groups circling around a point called God in stead of All living as One here supporting and assisting eachother - loving their neighbors as themselves.
The women were beating up their own lives in and through fear - as the belief if having as much fear as possible would sustain them. The opposite is being created in that what you fear is that what you create. It sustained the mind - it killed the Physical. Death does not really exist, but in believing it creating it. Thousands and thousands of lives were destroyed by accepting this way of living, this money system of abuse which we have created. Upon this day still they live / have exactly the same thought patterns as hundreds of years ago - calling themselves reformed christians and giving their power away to someone and something outside themselves.
Understand that if you have to be saved by someone or something outside yourself, understand you are enslaved.
I can relate to that - I saw my(self) mother all preparing dinner for when the man came home from work. So I in a way kind of repeated / copied this slave humdrum of a life and am here now able to stop this so called 'living' through having met Desteni. I knew it all ("thaught young, old done"), but could not stop - it is only possible to stop this machine on Earth through self forgiveness, self corrective actions and changing into who we really are as Life as All as One as Equal to birth Self here in the Physical - which is by the way what Jesus implied, allthough Jesus' application fo equality and oneness was distorted by the White Light into a mess age to enslave mankind more and more and more into CON sciousness.
I stand up as all as one and take responsibility. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to wait for someone or something outside myself in stead of moving myself as who I am needing no one then to be here as Breath as Life.
What if Kniertje and her villagers had had Equal Money for All from birth till death?
Would the people that came up to see Shakespeare's plays have beaten up 'villains' if they had been in an Equal Money System? Just to think about, because we are anyway addicted to thinking...give a little time to consider All Life.
No evolution - Money is our God! That is gonna be paid deer as we will experience the next ten years on Earth.
Re-educate yourself --- www.desteni.co.za
Develop self --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Stop the mind and Birth Self Here as Life in and as the Physical as the Breath as One!