
zaterdag 4 februari 2012

2012: Correcting Tolle's "What is my inner-state at THIS moment is always primary."

I just came across this quote by Eckhart Tolle and I'd like to give it a try to reveal the abdication of taking responsibility for all as one as equal within these words:

"Be more interested in your inner-state in any given situation than what is happening in the outer situation. What is my inner-state at THIS moment is always primary." 
 ~ Eckhart Tolle
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Circling in the inner-state
"Inner peace through meditation is creating a place in the mind where one deny the physical reality so effectively that you can deny that suffering is caused by your participation in an unequal economic system."
~ Bernard Poolman

Let's start with to ascertain with some simple math that All is Equal and therefore the Inner equals the Outer.

 OK - what do we have here then within the quote by Eckhart Tolle? Can you already see the difference within the starting point? The starting point of self honesty being all as one as equal.

Within facing this world, we are facing ourselves. 

When you understand the common sense words Bernard Poolman wrote we can see that within Tolle's words it is NOT being seen / realised / understood that the outer reflects what's within. The outer world reflects to us what we have allowed and accepted as within ourselves. This world did not become this way by itself - we are all equally  responsible because we are the world. We have neglected the physical reality and instead prioritized the inner separated world - we have been 'living' the "inner-state" as reality for billions of years. That's how this world has become our shadow through disregarding that what is here is real.

Within "Be more interested in your inner-state in any given situation than what is happening in the outer situation" we have now a world state at hand with 26.000 thousand children dying of starvation and a number of 6 billion people existing on and below the bread line. This should be your interest - a public interest please.

How to solve this gross neglect and blindness? Through understanding the principles of equality and oneness one can release all forms of "inner-state" through applying the Desteni tools and become the change this world needs. A "New Earth" starts within yourself through applying self within Self Honesty, Self Forgiveness and living the Self Corrective statements. A "New Earth" means in fact a "new physical" because our bodies are of the Earth.

Self interest has been build up over the years within and as the human physical body. 

So within purifying self / body from self interest / consciousness through the Desteni tools we birth ourselves as Life here from the physical.

Stop the inner-state circus! Let's take a further look at what this "inner-state" consists of. Does the this "inner-state" consist of thoughts / memories, feelings and / or emotions then you can apply Self Forgiveness on all of these mind consciousness system components to be able to correct yourself in stopping the mind to become here as the constant as breath awareness. We are here on Earth to learn to understand who we really are as oneness and equality of Life. As the breath of Life.

Or does the "inner-state" refer to the being constant as breath here? I guess not.

What is really primary is Breath in every moment here, always, as it is who we really are as a living breathing organism - no need for an "inner-state" to maintain.

Primary is recreating a new world which starts within directing ourselves as breath here within the absolute principle of doing what's best for all at all times.

Instead of minding the "inner-state" endlessly, stand up and change the world state with half of the world state existing in poverty and abuse to be enable them to "be more interested in their inner-state" through being one vote for and

Self Perfection merchandise at

2012: Self-Realisation - The Essential Tools by Desteni

    • Living in Self Honesty equal and one as all here in practical appliance in every moment.

    • Self forgiveness when a thought, feeling and / or emotion of the mind is coming up within you to so immediately stop participating in the mind and therefore feeding the mind system.

    • Focussing on every breath here, to stay here as breath and to realise that all that is real is you being here in every moment of breath that whatever goes around in your head as the mind is not real.
    • Writing because within writing you assist and support you through seeing yourself right in front of you in words and through when you write - if emotions, feelings, thoughts and/or memories coming up - you apply self forgiveness.

2012: Boek der Zelfvergevingen - begin

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf heb toegestaan en aanvaard heb bang te zijn i.p.v. mezelf te realiseren dat het heel erg dom is.

Ik vergeef dat ik mezelf niet heb toegestaan te realiseren dat angst altijd angst voor zelf.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf heb toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf te vrezen i.p.v. mezelf te realiseren dat zelf alles van de realiteit creeërt - ofwel direct ofwel door toestemming.