
maandag 24 oktober 2011

Opinions will have to be self forgiven within the Equal Money System

Widely spread: Why can’t I HAVE my opinion? It's my 'right' to HAVE an opinion. It is 'good' for my children to HAVE an opinion!

Stop, take a look - to HAVE is to possess,  hence having a opinion is a possession by the mind. To HAVE people occupied within the mind so you one not see clearly what is really going on here on Earth. This is since day and age how being reigned by someone or something outside ourselves works - to "divide (your mind) and conquer (matter)" - to have one lead to the believe that we matter or are of some importance when we form ourselves ideas, opinions and the like. Result is the opposite happens: you are alllowing and accepting yourself being kept busy within your mind CON sciousness system - fucking yourself (to be direct) i.e. your true self value as equal and one as all - while the elite of this world are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Thus - you are in fact blinding yourself from seeing common sense within this creating opinions for yourself.

As it is for the gross of people unclear how and why having ‘own opinions’ is suppressing self as equal and one as all and thus not supporting (abusing) Self as Life here in and as the Physical - in the Equal Money System therefor this will become more and more clear, because survival driven thinking – which results in entities as opinions – will END. It will be seen in self then that the thinking was self interest in the first place. Within a thought YOU are always the centre-point and what is Best for ALL is not taken into consideration. Lol is that what is best for ALL is allways best for YOU and ME.

Within an opinion about someone or something you separate yourself in and as you. Stop separation!

This 'opinion war' is what the current state of the world reflects to ourselves, as us. Reconsider the consequence of 'having an opinion'?

Damn' how come this world in such a mess? Aah we are the source, the cause, the mess -- through allowing and making up all this stuff in the mind as the head with the consequence the world as ourselves hanging by a thread (threat) ...

Thinking is merely taking place due to fear of loss or fear of death (Bernard Poolman - Clear the temple) – there is no other reason to think then as a survival addiction of the mind consciousness system, which we all have become and on which we are all reLIE.

Self-change, to build self-trust as the breath is to stop this enslavement through self forgiveness of the opinions / thoughts, pictures, memories, feelings and emotions we are HAVING.

In being equal and one with and as you, you are equal and one with and as all as equal and one as you as life. If there is any reaction / experience / judgement / opinion about someone or something, you are still separated in and as you.

So I suggest that you start with the beings that you are interacting with in your world – every reaction / experience towards them = self forgiveness, let go and self corrective application in self honesty – untill there are no more reactions / movement / experience with regard to them in you. Then you expand your application ‘outwards’ – and so you proceed. Work with what is here already in your world in which you participate.

Therefor an opinion is a lie because you do not stand equal and one. For giving is Living Self in and as the Physical.
Realise that fact is what is HERE - to be able to align self with and as the Physical - with what is real - is to realise that whatever goes through the mind as the head is not real. Stop opinions!

For giving is living.

To peel off opinions ---

Common sense is what is Best for All ---

Matter of fact ---