
maandag 23 januari 2012

2012: Self forgiveness / self correction on "I don't understand this or that!?"

And self forgiveness on "That is beyond my comprehension". You know the outcry  "I don't understand that, it's beyond my comprehension!"? We all know these remarks. It's mind talk deriving from superiority, the head stand above / on top of the physical overlooking all = disregarding what is here in the physical. Real comprehension is to understand myself within the equation all is equal.

Our comprehension as and within the human mind consciousness is a limited system - that's why it understands originally rather little  - depending though on what one has allowed and accepted all to suppress to see / understand as in-fact being equal and one as all here. Our Self is able to understand all and everything, because Self is All and Everything. The mind however wants / needs control and manipulation through such remarks, we allow and accept ourselves to be taken over by the thought "I don't understand". This is how we can realise that when we hear the mind talk of "not understanding someone or something" we know we have to do with consciousness and have to release ourselves from that devious talk. Often it's in a little corner of the mind where we have tucked it away for sometimes most of our lives - from childhood where we get programmed and spend the rest of our lives broadcasting the same talk show program over and over again.

So - last year I came to this realisation that it is just not practical to here walk about having these phrases - not even one - looping in the head about something or someone and commenced applying self forgiveness whenever consciousness joins issues with me. Yes that's consciousness - the con me - bringing in separations / thoughts to divide me.
Like here for instance with my housemate. My consciousness finds / needs it to learn / say something to him, because my mind goes gossiping "I don't understand why he don't or do this or that" - "Why did he not put the curtains nice 'n' neat as it should" or whatever instead of staying here in breath - nagnagnag. This is quite a mean streak that still can persist in one way or more ways. I decided to pay off with this noncommon sense and simply put the phrase I hear in my head in the self forgivesness format and speak this out loud to get this system removed. In fact I've always realised it's unacceptable, but that ain't cutting the crap - hence I must walk the self correction in breath and really change self = is to stop these smart remarks in the head or out loud and breathe constantly.

Self forgiveness is here short-cutting my proces of becoming silent in the head as the mind.




"Self perfection in every breath is the breeze that is the breath in and out as one move with ease within that which is best for all already accomplished, and one move into that which is not yet accomplished with the certain self trust that like with all previous step to self perfection as life, you will also become the next step and the next and the next --breezing life into existence as oneself."
~ Bernard Poolman

2012: See you in 2013: When you descend here on Earth becoming a decent human being

Above: Meanwhile everyone got in the rapture/rapeture spirit...

2012 is a year in which a lot of spiritual / religious people await respectively a socalled 'ascension' or a 'rapture' event to take place. Well - this beLIEf was infused into human beings mind consciousness systems since the beginning of time to separate them from what is here - from realising who they really are as oneness and equality of Life.

The prophecy (profit) is not real, folks! Prophecy / self profit above Life - is an outrage for which the tool of Self-Forgiveness has been given by Desteni.
Therefore at the end of this year there will be a number that realises "Darn I am not being beamed up. The starship did not come. There was no special treatment for me in the dimension no. 5 / heaven. What the hell - I am still here!" "Shit - I now realise it is and has only been a delusion of the mind cause only the physical is real. How stupid can we get?"

Indeed, hell is here because we created it through participation in the mind as thoughts, feelings and emotions dividing and separating all and everything from eachother. So - I'll stay here and learn to work together with who and what is here to realise heaven on earth which for me means speaking up for and realising Unconditional Basic Income for all. That's how for me this year started, with participating here in the Netherlands in a group called Basisinkomen (Basic Income) - that's what we here will be doing for you to return and join our movement to be one vote for world equality to let common sense as what is best for all speak. That all may live a decent life on this cool planet.

Then we have this number that will invent a new date for their abdication of responsibility-event calling it ascension / rapture. A numerous time this has been done which has come into the news rather often. How undignified to let us here and having the fallacy to think to be special - plain old megalomania that needs cured through self forgiveness within self honesty.

Rap-e-ture - raped u are! Raped self from taking self responsibility for all as one.

The human 'spirit' rapes / violates Life here on Earth as our human physical bodies as the physical reality.
Only what is here is what is real. Starvation, poverty, human & animal abuse, wars is real and needs to be attended by all of us through a complete overhaul of the current system into the interim system of unconditional Basic Income to later install the system of Equal Money for All from birth till death.

So that we can leave the Earth in a decent state and stand for our legacy for the generations to come to create real Life = Equal Life Foundation!

Real Freedom starts with Equal Money

Send me a request for assistance and support how to realise what common sense is and / or to be your buddy in walking the Desteni I process together as equals to become a real physical being within self honesty --