For some years now I have been / was litterally stuck within my body / mind - it's hilarious now I see I as my mind was busy trying to move my body as a separate entity in stead of moving myself as myself in and as my human physical body. I as we have allways been moving along to a thought/feeling/emotion, which is no longer possible because we are to break the connection with the matrix - to not be a battery powering the matrix anumore - as a result I was not able to act upon a thought anymore, only to move me as me.
I remember this is coming from my childhood where I / we have been programmed to do, behave and speak according to the (family) system we had to be molded into to conFORM to the matrix with force which messes with the true self value of a child. This is now the unconscious mind playing out in and as the physical mind.
"Not wanting or not being able to do this or that" was not an option - mum said "you just make up you feel like it".
I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realise that to act upon a thought that is not supporting me is self deception.
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