Let's stand still to first look into the multiple definitions of the word 'competition' - the way we in this system / world have put this word into dictionaries. Because we have all different ideas / definitions / charges to words which causes the confusion that is all what's here on earth - in that not being able to stand all as one as equal.
- the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: The competition between the two teams was bitter.
- a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage: Both girls entered the competition.
- the rivalry offered by a competitor: The small merchant gets powerful competition from the chain stores.
- a competitor or competitors: What is your competition offering?
- Sociology . rivalry between two or more persons or groups for an object desired in common, usually resulting in a victor and a loser but not necessarily involving the destruction of the latter.
In self-honesty ask yourself: how do these definitions sound?
Within these definitions - competition will NOT be promoted in an Equal Money system - it will become simply irrelevant for the matter of money, for the common desired object money is being taken care of. In a common sense Equal Money based society / system / world we will do what is best for all without competition as we know it. An Equal Money system does not include competition for the bitter sake of money, because money will be equally given to all from birth till death. Nor for the sake of 'individual' competition within ideas/ thoughts, feelings and emotions between persons will competition be allowed as there is education available for removing those mind consciousness systems components within the DIP course curriculum. Competition as 'survival of the fittest' is not longer the case any more in an Equal Money system, so there will be no need to compete with others as self. No prizes, nor honors or advantages will be existent, for all are equal and no one is more or less than the other - thus 'deserving special things' will be discharged.
Principle what's best for all NOT person!
Competition as a contest between individuals, groups, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources will STOP, because the reason - two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared - will cease to exist for most 'goals' are money-related as this will be out of the equation.
Competition occuring 'naturally' between human beings which co-exist in the same environment will STOP, because the nature of the beast is money-based.
Competition for water, food, and mates will STOP, as well as the needs of deep rivalries over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame.
Competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers will not be neccesary anymore, because all will become equally available.
Companies will not be promoting competition. They will provide their products and services in common sense for the best of all - not at any private interest. It will not be neccesary to be better than another for money - services and products will be distributed equally.
Competition as CON-TEST will NOT be promoted within the Equal Money system - the ultimate test of excellence we all have to make: Will you be equal? Within the equal money system there will be an instant massive change in clear view on this.
Within these definitions - competition will NOT be promoted in an Equal Money system - it will become simply irrelevant for the matter of money, for the common desired object money is being taken care of. In a common sense Equal Money based society / system / world we will do what is best for all without competition as we know it. An Equal Money system does not include competition for the bitter sake of money, because money will be equally given to all from birth till death. Nor for the sake of 'individual' competition within ideas/ thoughts, feelings and emotions between persons will competition be allowed as there is education available for removing those mind consciousness systems components within the DIP course curriculum. Competition as 'survival of the fittest' is not longer the case any more in an Equal Money system, so there will be no need to compete with others as self. No prizes, nor honors or advantages will be existent, for all are equal and no one is more or less than the other - thus 'deserving special things' will be discharged.
Principle what's best for all NOT person!
Competition as a contest between individuals, groups, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources will STOP, because the reason - two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared - will cease to exist for most 'goals' are money-related as this will be out of the equation.
Competition occuring 'naturally' between human beings which co-exist in the same environment will STOP, because the nature of the beast is money-based.
Competition for water, food, and mates will STOP, as well as the needs of deep rivalries over the pursuit of wealth, prestige, and fame.
Competition with at least one other firm over the same group of customers will not be neccesary anymore, because all will become equally available.
Competition as CON-TEST will NOT be promoted within the Equal Money system - the ultimate test of excellence we all have to make: Will you be equal? Within the equal money system there will be an instant massive change in clear view on this.
Competition sports will NOT be promoted in an Equal Money were, as ancient literature records, originally employed as an alternative to war between sovereign states populated by citizens of similar racial heritage, or as a means of resolving blood feuds - it is in fact harmful to / draining the physical due to overly produced energy within the systems.
So everyone will see the insanity of what we have allowed and accepted here in this reality as competition and be able to stop all of this in an instant in EMS.
Is Competition in Common Sense possible or do we eradicate this word from this world?
A more in-depth study of the word / definition com·pe·ti·tion - reveals:
Com+peto (Lat.): together + trying to get through one point.
Com-petition IS to agree together to get through one point. One point: Self Honesty. So that we all can stand the TEST of time which is Freedom through Equality. Standing as Life together as Equal as One.
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