
dinsdag 10 januari 2012

2012: "Christians have nothing to fear!" -- Beliefs = fears

2012 The Year of Fear Is Here

"The year of fear is here!?"

Reality check #1: Beliefs = fears of being HERE.

Reality check #2: Apprehension = fear (synonym)

I came across this statement "2012 The year of fear is here" - "Christians have nothing to fear!" on the internet and I like to dissect it here and transform these words into common sense as what is best for all.

Supposedly in a book called bible there is a speaking words of faith directed towards the fears that plague the year 2012. Here is being impressed upon people as if words of faith will remove fear - sense is to realise it merely suppresses what is really experienced inside and creating within this world as ourselves what is being referred to as "apocalypse", "endtimes", etc.. Indeed apocalypse = lifting of the veil, the revelation of the self-dishonest core of us human beings.Time to end money as God the system.

We've always feared.

The real raw nature of ourselves is darkness and we are so afraid of facing this we run away from it over and over again. (...)
What is happening in this world: everything that is manifesting in this existence is infact parts of ourself and we have for eons of time feared to face these parts. And within that very resistance of what we fear, we have suppressed it, but suppression doesn't mean it become NONEXISTENT. And now it is come to the stage and era of humanity that everything that we feared, everything that we've suppressed, everything that we've hidden from is starting to emerge and come to the fore and with quite a velocity. So - one starts to look at its own process...

The mess accumulating in this world represents the mess inside us - the mess inside our minds of thoughts, feelings, emotions and backchat / internal conversations as separations from the physical as ourselves as who we really are as oneness and equality, TIME for realising the simple principle of All Life being Equal.

Also it is apparently possible to not take into consideration all the people that is here as equal through accepting and allowing to divide people up in those who beLIEve and those who don't beLIEve. This is a polarity as stated in the beginning of the bible just NOT to go into. The mind is obviously the plague! Like the 'rest' can go fuck themselves in fear, cause "christians" have "faith" is in reality more like "christians" don't give a fuck about their neighbours as themselves as equal and one. "Nonchristians" can go to Jericho? See what has been written in the word beLIEf? Giving choice though to a book over others as self is mere insanity. This kind of utterances I heard a lot as well when I was 'attending' these meetings of an evangelical congregation for a couple of years. Christianity is a cult. It disgusted me back then as is disgusts me now that still the same program is running. This interpretation exhibits complete self-interest instead of what is best for all in equality. No practical application of what Jesus was indicating when he was here. I forgive myself that I have not allowed and accepted myself to see / realise / understand the proper tools and words to stand up and to correct this within myself as within my world as Desteni is presenting to us. Therefore I as we all have created these manifested consequences of not actually loving and taking care of our neighbours as ourselves. 

A huge mistake has been made time after time by perceiving people in "devout" and "nondevout" which is absolute nonsense, an atrocity and the opposite of Jesus message of equality and oneness of life here in the physical. Jesus held a mirror in front of people: see self reflected in others. To have thoughts in your secret mind about other people is what is in-fact the Evil! Can we now see what this unequality is doing unto this world - this wor(l)d as apparently separate from religious / spiritual folk?

Only speaking out loud fears as words within self honesty within the self forgiveness format will remove the (suppressed) fears plus living the self corrective statements thereof here as the living word as the breath of life.
Not taking responsibility for all as one is what has gotten us in this mess in the first plave - which is now called 'signs of the endtimes'. The mind as God is showing his ugly head... preprogrammed mind systems.

2012 2013 ... The END of the mind and to BEGIN living as equals.

Therefore "christians" have as we all have to forgive ourselves for allowing and accepting these massive separations / (self) abusive mind / world systems - there is no other way out than clearing the temple and living here on Earth as equal and one. For everybody common sense as what is best for all to be born

At the END of the world LIFE wil be born from the Physical.

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