"Life is found in honoring it in all forms that exist outside you independently where you then make sure they exist in ways you would like to exist = this is the most basest form of life as here as reality."
Don't you find it insane that we allow and accept looking for life on other planets while we even can't create life here on Earth for everyone equally? Don't you find it insane that we accept and allow billions of people starve to death and / or not having a decent life all the while we allow and accept governments / corporations to spend millions and billions on research in the universe? Not coming up with anything that is benevolant for all of mankind. Do you think it's worth spending that awefull lot of money on space programs or do we realise that we have to put an end to this system of inequality and insanity in order to put money towards life here on Earth for all people equally?
There is no life here on Earth - only fear and surviving. With Equal Money Life will originate here.
Future for the children. Will we create and leave a legacy for Life for us to be reborn in Equality and Freedom?
Let's leave the other planets alone and focus ourselves at ourselves within the realisation that humanity calls for our vote for equality within changing self into and as equal and one as all.
Will you / we become of worthiness through loving your neigbour as yourself and to give as to receive within supporting an Equal Money system where everybody can become Life self?
Join your Desteni of the universe - the world wide self movement of taking responsibility for all as one to become a decent human being as to replace this system with unconditional Basic Income / Equal Money for all.
2020 Equal Money - Equal Wages - the beginning of Life here on Earth.
As of 25 January 2012 the mirrors have been removed allowing those who dare to see beyond their programmed veils to confirm that there is no more afterlife and that every master, guru, angel, soul has been held accountable for what was allowed to happen to Earth. The fate of existence for All Life is now linked to the fate of Earth as One and Equal.
~ Bernard Poolman
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