It's time to stop creation. All that arises within thoughts is abuse, separation and deception. Within thoughts, feelings and emotions we mess with and destruct true self value. Earth is the Test that stands before Man of Becoming Self Honesty equal and one as all Here in fact - as who we really are to Birth Self as Life in the Physical as Breath. Physics are going to play a vital role in self transformation in the physical.
maandag 27 februari 2012
HOM 82 Sex Spiritual Orgasm and Systems
09 September 2007
This is Jack.
Now – how ‘spiritual meditation’ and masturbation are feeding the consciousness existence of this world.
So, we have the religious/religion orgasm, which is within the churches, where the sperm and the egg are the human beings and the priest come together as one and the ‘child of God’ is born – and the singing and the praying in the church – there’s the orgasmic experience.
Then we have the meditation orgasmic experience that I’ve just explained, where the being connects only in meditation with the guide, which is a system that they have created themselves and which they communicate to. Knowledge and information is shared and then the ‘serenity’ and the ‘peace’ and the ‘what-not’, that’s the other orgasmic experience.
And then the masturbation, of course, when normal human beings who use their hand and masturbate to have their orgasmic experience with themselves.33
So, in all three points [you are] basically fucking with yourself – literally – and keeping this entire consciousness existence running, keeping the organism of this world of consciousness alive – through the organs, of course, that they are playing in church – interesting – singing, worshiping, praying – and [through] everything of this – of the orgasmic experiences of sex and within the churches and within the establishments – feeding this entire consciousness reality, keeping it moving, keeping it alive, because consciousness moves with energy. If energy does not exist, consciousness does not exist, it is fascinating.
And you, of course, have the meditation people and the masturbation people keeping everything stable, so that everything is able to continuously move within this consciousness existence and human beings are able to remain enslaved.
So, why hasn’t any human being actually stood up and taken on the system head-on/ straight-on?
Because: "Oh no! I am able to run to ‘God’ and ask forgiveness" and "when I do become angry because of this world, I can go and meditate and just make myself be peaceful" and "I am not going to take on the system, I’ve got me, I’ve got my meditation" - "I’ve got my masturbation" – "oh I’ve got my god" – "oh, I’ve got my spirituality" – relationships of separation – "I have to keep that relationship together! Oh, God! Please, forgive me that I have wanted to take you on, I am in relationship with you, I apologize for deceiving you, I won't take you on, no I’ve got me" – or: "Guide, I’ve got you" – or: "Meditation, I’ve got you" – or: "Masturbation, I’ve got you!" – all manifestations of separation in relationships.
And that’s why human beings have not stood up, have not taken on the system and are still very much enslaved in this entire consciousness existence keeping the governments, the money system, the religious system, the educational system – all of the huge global systems, as the organs – alive through the participation in the orgasmic experience with religion, spirituality, meditation and masturbation, keeping everything going, remaining enslaved within this system – and why is that? Because you don’t want to ‘deceive’ your ‘relationship’ with that which you are in relationship with in separation; that’s why human beings are so scared to just stand up: because they have a ‘relationship’ and they have to ‘honour’ it with themselves, in separation, in all its different facets and forms.
Have a look: spirituality, sexuality, religion – everything is the exact same principle, just different manifestations, [but the] same thing; having a relationship with an entity of sorts separate from you, with which you have an orgasmic experience – all in the search and the seeking for self, yearning for an experience of self – and look what that beautiful yearning is doing to this world, to existence – feeding through the unconscious mind. Remember: masturbation, meditation, spirituality, religion - all four facets.
And everyone is partaking in that: sex, relationships of sorts. Every being in this world is in a relationship with something or someone and within that singular point of separation, each and 34 every single one of us is equal and one in responsibility for what we have allowed in this world in this consciousness existence. So, therefore: no one is innocent. Each and every single one of us is responsible. So, therefore – no one can turn their back and say: "Ah please, I’m not, I’m god!" – or: "Oh no, I’m not – look at me!" Please, what the hell are you doing to this world to make a difference in every way whatsoever? In actually applying yourself in every moment, directing yourself every moment, directing those in your world in every moment, not accepting anything less than who anyone else is in this world? No. Child abuse, rape, violence, the entire money system – are you taking that on? Are you doing anything about that in your practical application in every single moment? Are you standing up for this entire world and existence for all as one? I have one question for you: are you able to stand in infinity in front of this world as it is now, knowing the answer to what is required to be done and to sort this out? Do you have the answer? Does anyone have the answer? Is it that maybe because you apparently don’t have the answer that you’d rather go: "Oh, no! Create a different relationship, a separate relationship with me, satisfy myself here, keep myself busy – because, oh my God! Look at this world; I can’t do anything, I can’t make a difference. So, I rather remain enslaved and feed the system, because I’m able to survive here, it ‘takes care of me’, it ‘supports me ‘in this and of this world!" You won’t give up that relationship – no! Of course not: "This relationship is supporting me. I feel safe, I am protected, I’ve got money, I’m able to survive. Leave me at that." But even in that statement, what are you supporting? This existence. And what is it that is holding you there? Fear of death. Fear of death is the one thing that’s holding all beings’ relationships together; as long as they can go to heaven or ascend to a higher plane or a higher dimensional ‘god-knows’ ‘density existence’, or whatever the hell you call it – ‘then I’m fine’. You know: "At least I know I’m protected, I’m safe, so I’ll keep that relationship going." It’s all about relationships; people searching and seeking for themselves. Look at all we’ve created here, in this world, in this existence – not realising that: "Fuck, maybe I’m here actually already!" No - everyone’s always going out there somewhere, creating separate relationship entities. Every single human being has that in some form, some manifestation, just not wanting to give up that relationship, because: "What if I’m wrong? What if I die? What if I lose everything?" Interesting fears.
This is Jack.
Thank you very much.
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