"Love - to not give up on yourself or others/existence - but willing to stand no matter what, to not accept and allow anything less than the principle of/as what's best for all and be willing to take the risks/actions necessary to get this done." - Sunette Spies
So, giving up exists of the mind for you to ‘test’ yourself in your effectiveness and statement and action, and application, and awareness of you. So, therefore, if you allow yourself to give up, what does that mean? Your effectiveness, your statement, your application has not been effective, because you have accepted and allowed yourself to be controlled and consumed by the ‘experience’ of wanting to give up and then you did give up. - Desteni Universe 2007
Writing about My Experience with the System of Giving Up.
So yes within the last week I experienced quite a lot this system of giving up. I had been working inside the house for the whole of the winter, mostly working in the matrix or on the computer and now at the end of the winter it just got me to the throat. . The winter where I can not escape my emotions and have to face them. Several moments of certain events
of people getting very nasty to me on Facebook were the possibilities- ‘doors’- for me to walk through.
This system intertangles somewhere also with the previous system I looked into - the procrastination system. Giving up I experienced extremely in 2008 to the extend that I wanted a wheelchair: I didn’t walk to move me - everything I had compounded within me that much. This was me facing me where I had myself allowed and accepted to not stand up within myself the ten years prior to that point. It resembled the clinical picture of rheumatism (trauma) where my thoughts had deposited within my human physical body as ‘acids’ better to be understood as crystals. My fears = self interest from all of my lives are being brought here to face. So - I have to walk through them bones / points till I stand no matter what.
An anecdote from my childhood. When I would lay at bed at night as a child I heard my parents argue and I was always - really always - wondering / fearing they were talking about me, how bad I was etc.. But that’s not it - I had studied on a lot of the human mind things for decades to solve what was the matter. When children experience fear - I read -- they will take it as their fault as it is better to feel / experience the guilt then to have to face the fact they can sent away / rejected. That parents argue (people in general) because they don’t want to see themselves in eachother was me a great liberation and I would share this with as many people as I could.
So - all these moments from birth on till 7 are I have captured within my body called physical mind and to free my body from these crystallizations I walk the Desteni I process. Now facing the giving up systems - to remove them through self forgiveness for giving up on myself. Working on myself: my effectiveness, my statement, my application to become effective. I have a personality / ego that would rather give up on myself that the other but that’s the same / equal - the other is me. Thus - I pulled myself up on the other causing this hopping from one leg to the other instead of standing firm on my own two legs. My condition to not even express myself when I though someone would get mad I could cope until five years ago where I no longer would keep my mouth shut. So -also all those moment of my lives where I would within anticipation / fear / self interest be
The giving up comes more from my father system and feel it actually within the right part of my body - my right leg ‘does not want’ to come along. Very ineffective though I do not yet realise what is exactly: I can only walk through within the breath of me.
As also in previous process blogs all the cases I placed my attention / life onto my partner I’d have to stand up myself cause life is no longer allowing and accepting me to do so, but it had been such a strong egomechanics within me the past fifteen years, that I resent myself for being such an ass to cycle around in my own limitations knowingly that is not life - how extremely frustrating is knowledge when / if I cant apply it.
I now allow myself to cry when being faced with a point I had suppressed (advise I got from Andrea from Desteni). To watch out not to cry as feeling sorry for myself because that would keep the system in place.
Thoughts I can identify within my writing:
I tend to give up when someones gets angry with me.
I don’t want to move me.
I think it’s my fault when people get angry with me.
I think I have to go away when someone is angry with me.
Thought I’ll be working with:
I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me.
Other components:
Trigger point of the thought:
When someone get pissed about what I say or write
Type of thought:
Giving up.
Self-Forgiveness on the thought:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me instead of realising to stay here as breath as all as one as equal.
Self-Forgiveness on the trigger point of the thought:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to connect when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me instead of realising I stop my reactions and breath.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to exist as a trigger point within me, which triggers the thought that I have to go stop and go away when someone is angry with me.
Self-Forgiveness on the type of thought:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to want to give up.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be consumed by the energetic experience of the mind, which created the experience of wanting to give up.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed and accepted to apply myself effectively in every moment and thus the door of self-transcendence as giving up stands here before me - now I have to decide whether I will stand or fall within this experience of giving up before me.
I forgive myself that I’ve allowed myself to accept and allow wanting to give up within my world.
I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to accept wanting to give up within me.
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that if I accept and allow to give myself up here, everything and all that I have done in the past will come back tenfold and I will have to stand up again.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted fears and doubt to direct me instead of me directing myself.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give my power away to fears and doubts , accepting and allowing myself to believe that the experience of wanting to give up is ‘more than ‘and ‘more powerful’ than me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to believe that I would rather conform and compromise than facing myself and my world.
I forgive myself that have allowed and accepted myself to want to give up when I am being faced with communication on Facebook when people get pissed at me / my words.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to want to give up within the living together with my partner / others.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give up on my partner / others / existence.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give up in the moments that anyone talks to me about things / world will not get in order.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give up on myself when I am not feeling adequate to direct myself within violent / abusive communications on the internet.
Self-Corrective Statements:
When and as I realise myself the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me instead of realising I can just stay here in and as breath as all as one as equal - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me, because I realise myself I can just stay here in and as breath as all as one as equal. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself connecting when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to connect when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to the thought that I have t stop and go away when someone is angry with me, because I realise myself that I have to stop my reactions and breathe. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I realise myself when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to exist as a trigger point within me, which triggers the thought that I have to go stop and go away when someone is angry with me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself when someone gets pissed about what I say or write to exist as a trigger point within me, which triggers the thought that I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself want to give up - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to want to give up, because I realise I can not really give myself up. Instead - I direct myself within statements of myself as self-assertion, self-strength and self-will to stand here unconditionally as life.
[ Tabel invoegen]
When and as I see myself being consumed by the energetic experience of the mind, which created the experience of wanting to give up - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to be consumed by the energetic experience of the mind, which created the experience of wanting to give up, because I realise I am not being self-assertive, but being directed by thoughts and emotions. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I realise myself that I do not apply myself effectively in every moment- I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to not apply myself effectively in every moment and thus the door of self-transcendence as giving up stands here before me - now I have to decide whether I will stand or fall within this experience of giving up before me.Instead - I direct myself and walk through these doors as opportunities to transcend my limitations of the mind.
When and as I see myself wanting to give up within my world -I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to want to give up within my world, because I realise giving up doesn’t really exist. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself wanting to give up within me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to want to give up within me, because I realise I am here as life, unconditionally. Instead - I direct myself standing up within myself with the statements of assertiveness, strength and will.
When and as I realise that I accept and allow myself to give myself up here - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to give myself up here, because I realise everything and all that I have done in the past will come back tenfold and I will have to stand up again. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I realise fears and doubt to direct me instead of me directing myself - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself fears and doubts to direct me instead of me directing me, because I realise I ma not living me, but a system. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself give my power away to fears and doubts , accepting and allowing myself to believe that the experience of wanting to give up is ‘more than ‘ and ‘more powerful’ than me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to give my power away to fears and doubts, accepting and allowing myself to believe that the experience of wanting to give up is ‘more than ‘ and ‘more powerful’ than me , because I realise I am not being self directive, but being directed my thoughts and emotions. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself believe that I would rather conform and compromise than facing myself and my world - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to believe that I would rather conform and compromise than facing myself and my world, because I realise that it is actually liberating facing myself. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and a I see myself wanting to give up when I am being faced with communication on Facebook or Youtube - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself wanting to give up when I am being faced with communication on Facebook or YouTube, because I realise I can apply myself within words towards equality. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself wanting to give up within the living together with my partner / others - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself wanting to give up the living together with my partner / others, because I realise I can not give up on life - it is here . Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself wanting to give up on my partner / others / existence - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself wanting to give up on my partner / others / existence, because I realise giving up on my partner / others / existence is giving up on myself. Instead - I direct myself here as breath and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself wanting to give up in the moments that anyone talks to me about things / world will not get in order - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself wanting to give up in the moments that anyone talks to me about things / world will not get in order, because I realise that these moment are here for me to transcend myself. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself giving up on myself when I am not feeling adequate to direct myself within violent / abusive communications on the internet - I stop, I breathe - I do not accept and allow myself to give up on myself when I am not feeling adequate to direct myself within violent / abusive communications on the internet, because I realise I have to become adequate as a process. Instead - I direct myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
The emotion:
Specific type / ‘shade’ of emotion:
Reason for connecting thought to emotion:
I realise that I am ‘stuck‘ within my current experience and that there is no other solution to solve what is bothering me then me specifying here specifying my Self Forgiveness.
Getting afraid someone is coming after me to let me pay / level.
Self-Forgiveness on emotion:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to connect the thought I think I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of fright.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to define myself to fright as what I am.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to participate in fright towards applying myself here as life.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to react in / with fright in the moment I want to give up.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to stop breathing when I am going into an emotional experience of fright.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to resent myself for being such an ass to cycle around in my own limitations knowingly that is not life.
Self-Forgiveness on type / ‘shade’ of emotion:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to connect the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of freezing.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to participate within an emotional experience of freezing.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to experience freezing.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to connect ‘freezing’ to fright - and thus I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fright my own fright.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be frozen.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to become actually frozen of my emotions / reactions.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to define myself as cold as what I am.
Self-Forgiveness on connecting thought with emotion:
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be ‘stuck ‘within my current experience.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to react in / with fright when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me instead of realising to stay here as breath as the physical substance.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to react with freezing when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to go into an emotional experience of freezing because I think it’s the end of the world and I am dying when the thought comes up that I have stop and go away when someone is angry with me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to experience freezing because I realise that there is no quick solution that will make everything better and will solve everything that is bothering me.
Self-Corrective Statements:
When and as I see myself connecting the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of fright - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to connect the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of fright, because I realise that someone being angry with me does not define who I am or say anything about me. Instead - I direct myself to stay here as breath and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself reacting to someone being angry / pissed / aggressive etc. to me with freezing not moving myself - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to react to someone being angry / pissed / aggressive to me with freezing / not moving myself, because I realise I am not moving me, but I a being directed by my reaction of fear to another. Instead - I direct myself to stay here as breath and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself participating in fright towards applying myself here as life - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to participate in fright towards applying myself here as life, because I realise I am frightened of my own fright. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself reacting in / with fright in the moment I want to give up - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to react in / with fright in the moment I want to give up., because I realise I ca not give myself up - I am here. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself connecting the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of freezing - I Stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to connect the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me to an emotional experience of freezing, because I realise I am nit being self directed, but I ma being directed by thoughts and emotions. Instead - I direct myself to stay firmly here as breath.
When and as I see myself resenting myself for being such an ass to cycle around in my own limitations knowingly that is not life - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to
resent myself for being such an ass to cycle around in my own limitations knowingly that it is not life, because I realise I am limiting myself within holding onto memories of myself. Instead - I direct myself here as life as one as equal as all and take responsibility for the letting go of the memories of myself.
When and as I see myself participating within an emotional experience of freezing - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to participate within an emotional experience of freezing, because I realise . Instead - I face myself and direct myself here within physical breathing as all as one as equal.
When and as I forgive see myself experiencing freezing - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to experience freezing. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself connecting ‘freezing’ to fright - and thus when and as I realise myself to fright my own fright - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to connect ‘freezing’ to fright - and thus I do not allow and accept myself to fright my own fright. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I realise myself to be frozen - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to be frozen, because I realise I am not moving myself as me. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself becoming actually frozen of my emotions/ reactions - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to become actually frozen of my emotions / reactions., because I realise I counteract the exact same thing I fear. Instead - I embrace my reaction / emotion and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me..
When and as I see myself defining myself as cold as what I am - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to define myself as cold as what I am, because I realise I am limiting myself within my self-definitions. Instead - I embrace myself and change myself form here on.
When and as I see myself being ‘stuck ‘within my current experience - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to be ‘stuck’ within my current experience. Instead - I face my current reality and direct myself within doing what I require of myself to do..
When and as I see myself reacting in / with fright when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry - I stop, I breathe -I do not allow and accept myself to react in / with fright when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry, because I realise that I am being directed by thoughts and emotions and I am not directing myself as all as one as equal. Instead - I face myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself stopping breathing when I am going into an emotional experience of fright - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to stop breathing, because I realise I am procrastinating myself as life within stopping to breathe. Instead - I direct myself here within and as breath and do whatever I require of myself to do.
When and as I see myself reacting with freezing when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to react with freezing when I am being confronted with the thought I have to stop and go away when someone is angry with me. Instead - I face my current reality and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When and as I see myself going into an emotional experience of freezing because I think it’s the end of the world and I am dying when the thought comes up that I have to go away when someone is angry with me - I stop, i breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to go into an emotional experience of freezing because I think it’s the end of the world and I am dying when the thought comes up that I have stop and go away when someone is angry with me, because I realise it’s the thought that is freezing my physical. Instead - I face myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.
When an as I see myself experiencing freezing because I realise that there is no quick solution that will make everything better and will solve everything that is bothering me - I stop, I breathe - I do not allow and accept myself to experience freezing because I realise that there is no quick solution that will make everything better and will solve everything that is bothering me. Instead - I take one step at the time.
Redefining word:
1. Pathology .a.
a loss or impairment of voluntary movement in a body part, caused by injury or disease of the nerves, brain, or spinal cord.
a disease characterized by this, especially palsy.
a state of helpless stoppage, inactivity, or inability to act: The strike caused a paralysis of all shipping.
before 1150; < Latin < Greek parálysis, equivalent to paraly-, var stem of paralȳ́ein to loosen (i.e., disable) on one side ( para- para-1 + lȳ́ein to loosen) + -sis -sis; replacing Middle English paralisi ( e ) < Old French < Latin, as above; replacing late Old English paralisin (accusative) < Latin, as above; compare palsy
Related forms
non·pa·ral·y·sis, noun, plural -ses.
sem·i·pa·ral·y·sis, noun, plural -ses.
Paral = peril = fear
New definition:
Paralysis is the experience of stoppage of th mind in which I can stand up within myself as all as one as equal.
"Giving up is something everyone will face. The ego is all we have known from birth. Ego dependence is like our dependency on oil in the economic system where we fear to starve if we do not abide by the rules and make a living. Therefore we must make sure we do make a living while we work for change so that we do not ...end up giving up. The mind is at the moment more powerful than the physical and have imposed its illusions even into the physical as objects and products with which to entice and keep the ego happy—therefore the pursuit of happiness and the total disregard for life. Who will stand and who will fall? You decide and must live with what you decide. From this there is no escape."
Bernard Poolman
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