THOUGHT Dimension Forgiveness & Commitments
THOUGHT Dimension: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to entertain ONE THOUGHT where I see myself "struggling" with starting something new, like, in the ONE THOUGHT, already seeing the end-result of me failing/not being good enough in what I am about start/that I have just started, not seeing, realising and understand how I am accepting and allowing a THOUGHT, one THOUGHT to decide who I am, when I haven't even given ME the benefit of the doubt and actually yet even properly started this something new I am facing, I mean, what does this then say about my relationship to MYSELF with me not even giving myself the opportunity to start something and get it done???
THOUGHT Dimension Commitment: I commit myself to assist and support me, when and as I see A THOUGHT come up in my mind, especially when/as I am facing/starting something new and that thought in any way stand within the context of 'I'm not good enough', I stop and breathe and simply continue practising/perfecting my skill in what I am starting/doing as the living statement of me of no more accepting and allowing One Thought to determine/decide who I am with starting something new.
FEAR Dimension Forgiveness & Commitments
FEAR Dimension Forgiveness: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the source/root as experience/relationship of Fear to/as the I'm Not Good Enough Character/Personality, where this fear in itself had become like a part of me, haunting me with the all-encompassing presence of me not succeeding in something that I'm about to start, or even while I am starting, that this demon of me starts creeping through the cracks of the foundation of who I am in the physical that I have accepted and allowed to manifest; and so, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the starting point of me, with starting something new, to be a fear of not succeeding, or living up to my own possible/probable expectations, not seeing, realising and understanding that the starting point of me will determine me and my living, and so with accepting and allowing such a fear as me: this is what I will become/be
FEAR Dimension Commitments: I commit myself to assist and support myself when/as I face learning something new and I detect in ANY WAY whatsoever that I am reacting to myself/this new thing - to Breathe and say to myself "I AM DOING THIS" and not accept and allow the demon of fear to drag me into the hell of the Mind of "I'm not good eough" as I will no more accept and allow the Mind/my past demons to tell me who I am/define who I am - I, here in the moment of application decide who I am, and by God - I'm going to do it and get it done (lol)
IMAGINATION Dimension Forgiveness & Commitments
IMAGINATION Dimension Forgiveness: I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand how I would within and as my own Mind as Imagination, validate/justify/excuse this I'm not good enough character/personality, through keeping myself in my imagination in a mind-loop - over and over and over again seeing myself not good enough/failing/giving up/struggling, not seeing, realising and understanding the more I continue participating in the imagination, instead of waking up out of it and getting things done, I am manifesting my imagination as me and so it will become my reality, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give my imagination more power than my actual physical living
IMAGINATION Dimension Commitments: I commit myself to assist and support myself to when/as I see my imagination in any way manifesting/coming up with failure/not being good enough, especially when facing something new/starting something new - to immediate stop, say NO and move my attention/awareness to REALITY in paying attention to my skill/application in the PHYSICAL as I see, realise and understand the more I participate in the imagination, the more I am giving energy to the Mind and the less I am actually contributing to myself/my living here and will so no more accept/allow imagination to decide who I am as I will myself to move myself into and as actual, physical, practical, real application
BACKCHAT Dimension Forgiveness & Commitments
BACKCHAT Dimension Forgiveness: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go even further into and as my mind to the point where my demon of/as me as energy/mind takes over and starts voicing itself as "fuck it" /"you're not going to make it" / "stop embarrasing yourself" / "there's many more that's better than you, so why even try" - like, me as my own demon, demonizing myself in my own mind sabotaging and compromising me, my living, my opportunity here that I didn't even give a chance to/for, within this essentially questioning why it is that I would so readily simply fall into the Mind, than give ME an opportunity to find out WHO I AM within/as what I do; and so, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to spend so much time talking shit in my Head, rather than LIVING for REAL, HERE
BACKCHAT Dimension Commitment: I commit myself to assist and support me, to when and as I start talking myself down/out of an opportunity to challenge, expand, learn and grow with facing something new/starting something new - to stop the voices in the head through breathing, and re-state who I am as "Hey, I'm only starting now, I'm not going to listen to this bullshit, I'm giving me the opportunity to expand learn and grow" and so I then align my reality in such a way in stages/phases of progression and make it practical and give myself a process of advancing/perfecting a skill in the physical
PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension Forgiveness & Commitments
PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension Forgiveness: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have my Mind/Energy as Personality take-over/possess my Behaviour/Physical mannerism, like completely locking me into a I'm not good enough condition, instead of me actually having moved myself to start the something New - not seeing, realising and understanding the extent to which I'm accepting and allowing the Mind to control my Physical, instead of me actually living in/as it
PHYSICAL/BEHAVIOUR Dimension Commitment: I commit myself to assist/support me to when/as I am not actually physically starting and seeing it through, but already beforehand accept/allow the Mind/Energy to take over/manipulate my physical to the point of NOT MOVING, to STOP and BREATHE and physically move me to GET STARTED and not become incapacitated by the Mind
You may find with starting something new and seeing it through, or even any One Thing in your life and it's simply really not assisting/supporting self/self's living in this world/reality - to really consider that this one thing may not be the point self is to align with, that there may be other skills to consider where self can contribute to. In this, there may be things you WANT/DESIRE to do, but us not in reality, with who you are and your position in this life the point that would be practical for you to do.
So, in all this, it's about self-honesty, commonsense deduction and really looking at self, self's life/living
So, make a real self-honest assessment of yourself, what you're good at, what's your skills, what do you enjoy, what are you comfortable with and from there branch out - see if there is something you're interested in and requires a skills, can you develop that skill in reality and are you willing, then within all of this -GO FOR IT
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