'Energie' alsof het 'niks' / 'alles' / 'leven' is. Waar 'hebben' we het dan over? Er is toch wel heel veel meer 'to it' ...

It's time to stop creation. All that arises within thoughts is abuse, separation and deception. Within thoughts, feelings and emotions we mess with and destruct true self value. Earth is the Test that stands before Man of Becoming Self Honesty equal and one as all Here in fact - as who we really are to Birth Self as Life in the Physical as Breath. Physics are going to play a vital role in self transformation in the physical.
maandag 31 oktober 2011
maandag 24 oktober 2011
Opinions will have to be self forgiven within the Equal Money System
Widely spread: Why can’t I HAVE my opinion? It's my 'right' to HAVE an opinion. It is 'good' for my children to HAVE an opinion!
Stop, take a look - to HAVE is to possess, hence having a opinion is a possession by the mind. To HAVE people occupied within the mind so you one not see clearly what is really going on here on Earth. This is since day and age how being reigned by someone or something outside ourselves works - to "divide (your mind) and conquer (matter)" - to have one lead to the believe that we matter or are of some importance when we form ourselves ideas, opinions and the like. Result is the opposite happens: you are alllowing and accepting yourself being kept busy within your mind CON sciousness system - fucking yourself (to be direct) i.e. your true self value as equal and one as all - while the elite of this world are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Thus - you are in fact blinding yourself from seeing common sense within this creating opinions for yourself.
As it is for the gross of people unclear how and why having ‘own opinions’ is suppressing self as equal and one as all and thus not supporting (abusing) Self as Life here in and as the Physical - in the Equal Money System therefor this will become more and more clear, because survival driven thinking – which results in entities as opinions – will END. It will be seen in self then that the thinking was self interest in the first place. Within a thought YOU are always the centre-point and what is Best for ALL is not taken into consideration. Lol is that what is best for ALL is allways best for YOU and ME.
Within an opinion about someone or something you separate yourself in and as you. Stop separation!
This 'opinion war' is what the current state of the world reflects to ourselves, as us. Reconsider the consequence of 'having an opinion'?
Damn' how come this world in such a mess? Aah we are the source, the cause, the mess -- through allowing and making up all this stuff in the mind as the head with the consequence the world as ourselves hanging by a thread (threat) ...
Thinking is merely taking place due to fear of loss or fear of death (Bernard Poolman - Clear the temple) – there is no other reason to think then as a survival addiction of the mind consciousness system, which we all have become and on which we are all reLIE.
Self-change, to build self-trust as the breath is to stop this enslavement through self forgiveness of the opinions / thoughts, pictures, memories, feelings and emotions we are HAVING.
Therefor an opinion is a lie because you do not stand equal and one. For giving is Living Self in and as the Physical.
For giving is living.
To peel off opinions --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Common sense is what is Best for All --- www.equalmoney.org
Matter of fact --- www.desteni.co.za
Stop, take a look - to HAVE is to possess, hence having a opinion is a possession by the mind. To HAVE people occupied within the mind so you one not see clearly what is really going on here on Earth. This is since day and age how being reigned by someone or something outside ourselves works - to "divide (your mind) and conquer (matter)" - to have one lead to the believe that we matter or are of some importance when we form ourselves ideas, opinions and the like. Result is the opposite happens: you are alllowing and accepting yourself being kept busy within your mind CON sciousness system - fucking yourself (to be direct) i.e. your true self value as equal and one as all - while the elite of this world are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Thus - you are in fact blinding yourself from seeing common sense within this creating opinions for yourself.
As it is for the gross of people unclear how and why having ‘own opinions’ is suppressing self as equal and one as all and thus not supporting (abusing) Self as Life here in and as the Physical - in the Equal Money System therefor this will become more and more clear, because survival driven thinking – which results in entities as opinions – will END. It will be seen in self then that the thinking was self interest in the first place. Within a thought YOU are always the centre-point and what is Best for ALL is not taken into consideration. Lol is that what is best for ALL is allways best for YOU and ME.
Within an opinion about someone or something you separate yourself in and as you. Stop separation!
This 'opinion war' is what the current state of the world reflects to ourselves, as us. Reconsider the consequence of 'having an opinion'?
Damn' how come this world in such a mess? Aah we are the source, the cause, the mess -- through allowing and making up all this stuff in the mind as the head with the consequence the world as ourselves hanging by a thread (threat) ...
Thinking is merely taking place due to fear of loss or fear of death (Bernard Poolman - Clear the temple) – there is no other reason to think then as a survival addiction of the mind consciousness system, which we all have become and on which we are all reLIE.
Self-change, to build self-trust as the breath is to stop this enslavement through self forgiveness of the opinions / thoughts, pictures, memories, feelings and emotions we are HAVING.
In being equal and one with and as you, you are equal and one with and as all as equal and one as you as life. If there is any reaction / experience / judgement / opinion about someone or something, you are still separated in and as you.
So I suggest that you start with the beings that you are interacting with in your world – every reaction / experience towards them = self forgiveness, let go and self corrective application in self honesty – untill there are no more reactions / movement / experience with regard to them in you. Then you expand your application ‘outwards’ – and so you proceed. Work with what is here already in your world in which you participate.
Therefor an opinion is a lie because you do not stand equal and one. For giving is Living Self in and as the Physical.
Realise that fact is what is HERE - to be able to align self with and as the Physical - with what is real - is to realise that whatever goes through the mind as the head is not real. Stop opinions!
For giving is living.
To peel off opinions --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Common sense is what is Best for All --- www.equalmoney.org
Matter of fact --- www.desteni.co.za
dinsdag 18 oktober 2011
World Poverty Growth since the introduction of "Positive Thinking"
Positive Thinking - Law of attraction - It is all brainwashing!
Excerpt text from video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dL6y7uV0jw&feature=player_embedded
"The amount of people that live on the poverty line has grown ever since the introduction of "Positive Thinking". You'll be astounded to see that things have gone from bad to worse... and allthough you have an apparent progress - the progress occurs at the COST of Human Life and physical - the basement of this physical reality. Have a l...ook and investigate for yourself what happens if you start with positive sweet-talk TO YOURSELF - have a look how you then create a fake identity based on this 'positive feelings' and how you start to disregard the practical implications of our current economic system and our current world system and you only focus on your own happiness. It is delusional and is very DANGEREOUS... not only for yourself but for the whole of humanity. We ask you to reconsider your considerations that is based on self-talk, backchat that is positive and that disregard the actual reality."
A discussion with Bernard Poolman about positive thinking / law of attraction /the secret as back chat.
In the quest for a world where everyone is Equalified to Live a Dignified Life. The Equal Money system will be a first step in the political agenda of the Equal Life Party worldwide once we start participating in democratic elections. Join the Desteni Forum for discussions.
The Book - Equal Money System will Release September and onwards 2011 -- More than 40 books will be released - Subscribe to the book newsletter to receive a notification when it's available.
See the www paws of evil? Evil comes in disguise called "positive thinking".
I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that human beings that ‘declare themselves’ of ‘light’, of ‘love’, of ‘peace’, of ‘harmony’, of ‘bliss’, of ‘goodness’, of ‘positivity’ are the most deceptive self-dishonest manifestations within and of this world: Behind ‘perceived beauty’ exists the ‘beast’ – the beast hidden, the beast suppressed, the beast locked and secluded in the hid...den chambers of the mind as thoughts, pictures, memories, feelings and emotions – the beast as deception, designing and manifesting the very nature of deception as itself ‘cloaked’ in ‘beauty’, to have others as self actually believe that ‘love’, ‘light’, ‘peace’, ‘harmony’, ‘bliss’, ‘goodness’, ‘positivity’ actually exists.
Veno - Self Forgiveness - Self Dishonesty (part One)
Veno - Self Forgiveness - Self Dishonesty (part One)
See life coaching join the forum
visit the forum at http://www.desteni.co.za
Equal Money at http://www.equalmoney.org
maandag 17 oktober 2011
Time management
I have to come to grips with my time management, I am not satisfied with my time management (especially when I have been gone out working).
In essence it's simple - therefor here I write it out black on white.
I realise that I am suppressing myself within experiencing thoughts, feelings and / or emotions.
I stop thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, pictures - clearing the mind possessions through applying self forgiveness, self correction, breathing and writing.
I study the Desteni 'I' process lessons.
I work on the monthly assignment.
I check the networks on partipicipants' processes.
I check new Desteni videos.
I see around myself and support and assist others as myself.
I do the physical activities in and around the house and at work.
I am aware of myself here as equal and one as all.
I move myself as myself - stopping limitation by the mind.
I lobbied today for www.equalmoney.org
In essence it's simple - therefor here I write it out black on white.
I realise that I am suppressing myself within experiencing thoughts, feelings and / or emotions.
I stop thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, pictures - clearing the mind possessions through applying self forgiveness, self correction, breathing and writing.
I study the Desteni 'I' process lessons.
I work on the monthly assignment.
I check the networks on partipicipants' processes.
I check new Desteni videos.
I see around myself and support and assist others as myself.
I do the physical activities in and around the house and at work.
I am aware of myself here as equal and one as all.
I move myself as myself - stopping limitation by the mind.
I lobbied today for www.equalmoney.org
zaterdag 15 oktober 2011
Walking out of the Cage called Relationship into an Agreement with Self as All as One
Daily Writings Shit Out
OK - I am here currently living with a male human being in this house for we / I needed to eat and pay the house and he needed to eat and a roof over his head. Things god completely intertwined wihin myself due to our allowances and acceptances - whereas in 2007 I began to hear myself talk like my mom and dad ...whooah I am a preprogrammed robot - i repeat a program lol. All kinds of words came up in me in which I heard my mom and dad talk in my childhood. I said then "This is not me!" to others as me. Not like in a 'right' or 'wrong' towards my parents - no I honor them deeply, it's that there is much more going on than meets the eye. So it's this way of living I found limiting ergo I limit myself in believing this has to / will be allways like this ergo I have to be like this (which is not through the Desteni tools).
I came to live in this village in 1997 and till then - till my thirtieth - I lived here and there in (student) communities with up to 14 people, which I liked a lot. In this house I have withdrawn myself from the local gossipal / religious community because I was no way able to dare stand up and say stop talking shit "Stop till here and no further". I knew that for example the words of Jesus were completely distorted here and put outside self, this I saw as a child happening outside the church where no one was really living the words "Forgiveness'", "Love thy neighbour", "Give and you will be given" etcetera etcetera - nevertheless I self did nothing to change self, did not have self trust to correct myself - fear of being locked up for speaking - fear of so called 'grown up' people and and and...the works, so Herman and I were merely playing the same PROGRAM as we grew up in - playing house - to be short. Our first 7 childhood years itch palying out - repeating cycles, repeating, repeating.
This World Cage System we 'live' in must and WILL END as it exists - inside and outside.
Apparently there is going on much more which I became aware of through the Desteni material. It's ... Structural Resonance, in which we resonate within self as the mind as with eachother in the same old shit - tied to thoughts, feelings, emotions, pictures, words a.k.a. the matrix - the three dimensional projected holgraphic reality we live in. To disconnect myself from the matrix to become real as the physical I therefor walk this Structural Resonance Alignment Training within the Desteni courses to END this WORLD - these robot machines - as who we have become.
Here the clue, clé, key.
How I walk out of the cage of the mind as all relationships and to become equal and one with and as self is through the KEY of Self honesty, self forgiveness, self application, self trust.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to judge myself.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be disappointed in me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear religions.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself not living the word.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to have myself caged into the mind consciousness system as relationships.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear beliefs.
Building Self Trust --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Research material (mathematics) --- www.desteni.co.za
None is free till all are free --- www.equalmoney.org
See into me equal and one the parrot parent relationship - I step out of the self limiting cage of a relationship and stop parrotting / parenting my partner - I start here living myself practically, applying myself, directing myself, becoming equal and one as all here - living self honesty to birth myself as equality and oneness as Life self.
I came to live in this village in 1997 and till then - till my thirtieth - I lived here and there in (student) communities with up to 14 people, which I liked a lot. In this house I have withdrawn myself from the local gossipal / religious community because I was no way able to dare stand up and say stop talking shit "Stop till here and no further". I knew that for example the words of Jesus were completely distorted here and put outside self, this I saw as a child happening outside the church where no one was really living the words "Forgiveness'", "Love thy neighbour", "Give and you will be given" etcetera etcetera - nevertheless I self did nothing to change self, did not have self trust to correct myself - fear of being locked up for speaking - fear of so called 'grown up' people and and and...the works, so Herman and I were merely playing the same PROGRAM as we grew up in - playing house - to be short. Our first 7 childhood years itch palying out - repeating cycles, repeating, repeating.
What on Earth is going on?This World Cage System we 'live' in must and WILL END as it exists - inside and outside.
Apparently there is going on much more which I became aware of through the Desteni material. It's ... Structural Resonance, in which we resonate within self as the mind as with eachother in the same old shit - tied to thoughts, feelings, emotions, pictures, words a.k.a. the matrix - the three dimensional projected holgraphic reality we live in. To disconnect myself from the matrix to become real as the physical I therefor walk this Structural Resonance Alignment Training within the Desteni courses to END this WORLD - these robot machines - as who we have become.
5 African Grey Parrots - at Desteni.......
Gentle agreement with SelfLolololol
Here the clue, clé, key.
How I walk out of the cage of the mind as all relationships and to become equal and one with and as self is through the KEY of Self honesty, self forgiveness, self application, self trust.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to litterally retreat within me and my world.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to slowly but surely remove
myself from participation within me and me world because I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself upon something or someone outside of me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to give up on myself.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be disappointed in me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear religions.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted my feelings of inferiority towards the royal reformed christian communiTIES / famiLIES.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to doubt myself as the words of Jesus.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to have myself caged into the mind consciousness system as relationships.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to fear beliefs.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to doubt myself as the words of Jesus.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to have fallen in love with Jesus.
Building Self Trust --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Research material (mathematics) --- www.desteni.co.za
None is free till all are free --- www.equalmoney.org
The eye of the needle = Desteni 'I' Process
Daily diabolic diaries
I am here sitting again and can't seem to get what I want to write out in written nor spoken words in a structured way, yet. This is frustrating me enormously. I just write here - stop self judging. Going through the day doing stuff there are as allways a number of self realisations and / or general topics I'd like to write out of myself, but it circles only in my head. Therefor I stop suppressing myself as who I really am - no mind.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to suppress myself in such a way that I can not write myself out in every moment in a way I am at ease with myself.
Well - this'll be the (in)famous "Eye of the needle" - I have to really push myself through these points - self forgiveness, self correction, self managements of time and space, breathing, vlogging, writing, physical activities.
I stop my ego wants it all kNOW. The physical need to know nothing (see other on this blog).
Excerpt from Osho: Isolation
Let's take an example to explain. Let's say you had a certain a task - a certain task to fulfill - and within yourself, you had a certain, particular expectation to fulfill that particular task; and because you couldn't live up to your own expectation of you with regards to fulfilling this particular, specific task, which you projected into the future, you gave up on yourself within yourself. And because you gave up on yourself and judged yourself and accepted and allowed yourself to be disappointed in you, you went into an experience of hopelessness and helplessness - meaning, the belief that it's too late, “I’ve fucked up, I cannot and will not move me/will me to fulfill the task at hand” - and then what occurs is you literally retreating inside yourself to isolating yourself actually because of fear, fear of failing again, fear of not living up to your expectations.
The first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself.
But, have a look at the interesting cycle, because the first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself. Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future. The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists. Failure only exists because you have a perceived expectation of yourself, because of a projection manifested within the future; and then, inevitably, disappointment will manifest within and as yourself because you didn't live up to your expectations and failed according to a belief within yourself; and then, the being disappointed within yourself because you didn't fulfill what you projected into the future of what is there to be fulfilled. And then what happens is a fear is manifested within self because you do not want to experience failure or disappointment within yourself again so, what you do is you throw your hands up in the air and just give up completely and entirely - and then the giving up you succumb to the fear within yourself and then isolate yourself within you and your world.
Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future.
The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be disappointed in me.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be dis-honest with myself in accepting and allowing myself to have an expectation of myself within myself.
I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself ...
I am applying Self forgiveness on these old points I am aware of to here help myself clear the mind through deconstructing self isolation / self desolation as family system constructs of the mind. I stop walking ahead of myself - a serious ('Sirius'/ 'Sirians') mindfuck of me. I must simlpy walk / work with what is here - facing the consequential outflows of my mind - stopping, not wanting to be there in the future where I've done more of this or that what I know deconstructing. I am here and I have to realise this is simply a process of Past Time-Line Resonance Correction.
I stop the Knowing - Nosing.
I am patience.
I really have to stop speaking and realise - I am all here, I am breathing, I am God, I am the living word!
I stop participating in anuone's thought, feeling and / or emotion.
Needless to speak for they don't wanna hear...
and I screw me for not breathing as One!
I am responsible for stopping the Design of Verbal Diarrhea in myself as the world.
Needs - needles to self forgive.
No body can free themselves from the mind systems without the minimum of four year DIP course - for we are all pre-programmed slaves to mind consciousness systems - slaves to the rythm of our minds drums.
No where else on Earth than in the Desteni mathematics is being exposed how that it is the mind that is bothering each and everyone of us to really be FREE as self-expression as the Breath of Life here equal and one as all as who we really are.
Birth Self in Self support,self assistance, self direction, self reliance for self trust and self expression - Self Forgiveness and Self Application for the Destruction of the Structural Resonance
To become the silence of sound...
Self realisation --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Research material --- www.desteni.co.za (mathematically proven)
Common sense --- www.equalmoney.org
donderdag 13 oktober 2011
Discoveries - "Inner voice" versus HEALTH
Discoveries - "Inner voice" versus HEALTH
Yes, The "inner voice" helped us develop the microchip, the DVD, and all devices that must repeat themselves functionally to be of any use and are used to repeat our fantasies in a "physical"way so that it "looks" more "real" like with movies and television. We realized that we like listening to ourselves as the fundamental building block of Ego and the Inner Voice was just the best thing ever. We even created a fantasy world called spirituality where we can "share" our inner voice, because it is so "unique and private" that only "us" can hear the voice and no-one can ever trap us in our lie. We feel so safe with this inner voice, we can give it names to make it a better consumer product, but this inner voice never come with a real solution to the suffering masses in this world. It only ever look after the individual that "listen" to the inner voice. If you dare to question the inner voice, you are apparently negative and your "vibes" are stopping the voice. This proves that the NEGATIVE is stronger that the Inner voice, but who cares. My inner voice is my inner madness to deny the world and I am proud of it sharing a message of eternal love. Yes, Love is the name of the game in consumerism. Stop Love and the Inner voice and you are on the road to real HEALTH.This phenomenon of the "inner voice" I discovered a couple of years ago within myself. I was like whooah "What the hell is going on inside myself?" I had not been aware of it before in this amplitude. So - I then asked a friend if she did have that talk-talk in the head as well (hell:) and she said yes, that is seen as 'normal'. Then I went looking further on the internet and there was and still is indeed talk of it that it even can be a 'holy inner dialogue' / 'conversations with God', etc.. I experienced it as very unpleasant - I call this voice rather 'diabolical' than dialogical - I want silence in my head, to be able to breath..
Bernard Poolman
So I kept on reading, reading on the internet and in books, till one fine day I come across Desteni and after some reading I read an article about 'Thought as a Tool' at the dutch Desteni website. All had been inverted and time was compressed to get all HERE. This I was experiencing in my human physical body as pain (see other article on this blog). Aha - that's what I sensed and Desteni makes the sense common.
I began putting STOP-signs up, because this means a huge allowed and accepted separation, a huge one!
Till here and no further...
Questions and Perspectives: Pain
This is an article by Desteni, published Nov 2 2007.
Questions and Perspectives: Pain
Date : 02/11/2007
Question: ‘My question is, are physical reactions our true indicator of liberation for systems?
Like when something occurs that excites the body in any way – for example getting „turned on“ concerning something sexual or pounding heart from fright – even if consciously we are embracing and applying forgiveness.
These are glimpses into our subconscious and unconscious minds?’
Perspective: Here’s a perspective with regards to pain experienced in the human physical body that may assist:
Quote: ‘Yesterday I then woke with a great pressure on/in my forehead& an ominous feeling [pressure still there by the way]. Today I woke with the feeling like two train spikes were on/in either side of the base of my scull, along with two hot wires running down my back, to under and around the front of my groin & now something similar is going on around & down my neck & chest.’
First allow me to explain the points you experienced and what they specifically represent within you:
Pressure on Forehead: This is Memory activations/participations through the act of thinking. Pressure on your forehead indicates that you’re still using/accessing memories that formulate part of your current expression. Therefore you’re still using the mind as thoughts.
The experience of the two ‘train spikes’ in either side of the base of your skull: This is the ‘plug-in’ point centers of your subconscious and unconscious mind – where your thought centers exist and from there your thoughts are ‘created’ and designed’ – therefore you experience the pressure on your forehead as well because you’re participating from within the subconscious and unconscious mind which is creating and designing thoughts which you experience in your forehead.
The ‘two hot wires running down my back’ to under and around the front of my groin experience: The is the intertwinement of the mind consciousness system within and as your spine – the base from which the mind consciousness system infuses within and as your entire human physical body. Which suppress self expression completely as who you are and you’re enslaved and lost as a mind consciousness system in its entirety.
The something similar is going on around & down my neck & chest experience: The neck representing the constriction of movement and flow of self expression as who you are due to the mind consciousness system within you –as your trust exist of the mind and not of who you are. The chest as indication that you’re not in oneness and equality but still in separation for you still exist within thought of the mind and not self expression of I am of oneness and equality of life.
Therefore Mr.T what you’re experiencing is the mind consciousness structural resonance system within you. I suggest you read Veno’s entire document where he explains the mind consciousness structural resonance system – of which it contains the specifics of some of the points that you are currently experiencing/ becoming aware of as indicated above – to give some more perspective. This mind consciousness structural resonance system exist within and as all human beings – Veno’s still currently in the process of completing the entire document – in the process of becoming a book, though I suggest read through what has already been done.
He will also be writing about the specific practical self support forgiveness and corrective application methods for human beings to apply to release themselves from this mind consciousness structural resonance system as who and what human beings have accepted and allowed themselves to become.
I have the following suggestions for self support:
1.) Start becoming more aware of you in every moment by applying the breathing application: 4 Counts in 4 Counts hold as infinite moment 4 Counts out 4 Counts hold
And repeat again…
In between the in breath and the out breath – observe yourself. If there exist any thoughts, emotions or feelings in this infinite moment – apply forgiveness.
(Also watch Osho’s video’s he did on YouTube (if you haven’t yet)): http://www.youtube.com/watch?…and http://www.youtube.com/watch?…
2.) Forgiveness with corrective action to be applied. This is done in every moment when you allow a thought or participate in emotions and feelings. Forgive the thought specifically and forgive yourself that you allowed yourself to participate in emotions and feelings – realise that it is not who you are and in this forgiveness process you apply corrective action by not allowing yourself to again participate in such thoughts, emotions and feelings that you allowed.
3.) Before you go to sleep at night have a look at your day and the experience of yourself within it – look at moments where you might’ve missed applying yourself with forgiveness and corrective action and apply it right there and then – the moment you see it.
4.) I suggest you write – write about how you experience yourself because in your writings you will be able to actually see yourself from the perspective of your current application and therefore also assist yourself and direct yourself while you’re writing e.g. while you’re writing about a specific experience, you’ll be able to realise what you’re accepting and allowing and then also within that realisation see a solution – if you don’t –ask here!
In terms of your communication – I will cover that at a later stage. First Mr.T I suggest you first focus on supporting and assisting yourself specifically and effectively and then I’ll communicate with you with regards with your communication methodologies.
The process is a purification process for all of existence, thus realise that only the pure self honest in the absolute degree of oneness will again allow themselves to be free to make sure that which has been allowed will never happen again. In this each being is only equal to their application and for all the application of forgiveness is going to be specific and cannot be compromised.
Thus – pains in your human physical body indicate subconscious/unconscious mind ‘influences’ of which you are not yet aware in every moment of every breath – thus – your human physical body will indicate, through pain, the certain specific ‘points’ you are not yet aware of to which you must give attention.
Self forgiveness here is effective – because if you apply self forgiveness effectively when experiencing pain on a specific ‘point’ of your human physical body – the pain will dissipate – meaning the mind influence manifestation is removed through applying self forgiveness effectively.
See – this is where the PART FOUR section of the mind consciousness structural resonance system ‘comes in’ – to assist and support you with specific self forgiveness, specific self statements to live as you and specific self corrective applications to ensure you don’t accept/allow yourself again to re-generate and re-create the exact same mind system influences within and as your human physical body.
Thus – if any ‘reactions’ / ‘experiences’ arise within your human physical body – instigated by thoughts, feelings or emotions – or even when you see a pictured presentation of someone through your human physical eyes in this reality, or hear specific words – apply self forgiveness immediately, because then the reactions/experiences of movement within you is of the mind and not of natural expression of life as you – pure of innocence.
woensdag 12 oktober 2011
We beat up Life - we have not moved forward as humanity
We are the villains - we accept and allow all that exist in the world as it is - WE CREATED IT as Self as Creator. We have to stand up and take responsiblity for all as one.
"Life is being paid deer"
A dutch play that stood out to me for a long time is this well-known play with Kniertje and the fishing folk called "De vis wordt duur betaald" - "The fish is being paid deer".
(Kniertje died - nier = kidney failure)
Here in this play as was in their 'real life' the women were allways waiting for their men coming home from long long fishing trips oversees with the fish representing money and survival. I f they were save(d) - "all was fine for a while". Generations and generations were in constant fear and had to make up a God in the Heavens to sustain themselves somehow to get by, to come through life, to not die of fear. Thus - it is not the fish that is paid deer - Life is. It were folks that separated themselves more and more as groups circling around a point called God in stead of All living as One here supporting and assisting eachother - loving their neighbors as themselves.
The women were beating up their own lives in and through fear - as the belief if having as much fear as possible would sustain them. The opposite is being created in that what you fear is that what you create. It sustained the mind - it killed the Physical. Death does not really exist, but in believing it creating it. Thousands and thousands of lives were destroyed by accepting this way of living, this money system of abuse which we have created. Upon this day still they live / have exactly the same thought patterns as hundreds of years ago - calling themselves reformed christians and giving their power away to someone and something outside themselves.
Understand that if you have to be saved by someone or something outside yourself, understand you are enslaved.
I can relate to that - I saw my(self) mother all preparing dinner for when the man came home from work. So I in a way kind of repeated / copied this slave humdrum of a life and am here now able to stop this so called 'living' through having met Desteni. I knew it all ("thaught young, old done"), but could not stop - it is only possible to stop this machine on Earth through self forgiveness, self corrective actions and changing into who we really are as Life as All as One as Equal to birth Self here in the Physical - which is by the way what Jesus implied, allthough Jesus' application fo equality and oneness was distorted by the White Light into a mess age to enslave mankind more and more and more into CON sciousness.
I stand up as all as one and take responsibility. I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to wait for someone or something outside myself in stead of moving myself as who I am needing no one then to be here as Breath as Life.
What if Kniertje and her villagers had had Equal Money for All from birth till death?
Would the people that came up to see Shakespeare's plays have beaten up 'villains' if they had been in an Equal Money System? Just to think about, because we are anyway addicted to thinking...give a little time to consider All Life.
No evolution - Money is our God! That is gonna be paid deer as we will experience the next ten years on Earth.
Re-educate yourself --- www.desteni.co.za
Develop self --- www.desteniiprocess.com
Stop the mind and Birth Self Here as Life in and as the Physical as the Breath as One!
maandag 10 oktober 2011
To speak up for 'Justice' = just 'I' see?
See self what is been written in the word: just 'I' see.
This is providing us insight into the completely limitedness for we as human beings are all equally blind with our mind I's open ... the blind foolded.
In answer to One person can make a difference
"The Protests we see all around the world are about JUSTICE!
Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is the act of being just and/or fair Wikipedia
What this world needs now is Lessons in Ethics for the entire financial world!
The moral compass in the financial world is broke! And only the PEOPLE have the power to Fix it! Money in politics has created institutional corruption.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Join the Global Revolution!"
Through applying universal principles in SELF HONESTY the "Lessons in Ethics" will become realisations in Equality and Oneness as who we are we can learn to see and realise who we really are in equality and oneness - to see what is real and what really needs be done = www.equalmoney.org. We as human beings are at the ...currency all immoral by nature - we do NOT share (ourselves) - for thousands of years we have deeply corrupted ourselves by this unequal money system. We have become opportunists. The first step is thus allways the awareness that everything has allways been an illusion, to be able to stand up as equal and one as all here, to apply the tools of self forgiveness, self corrective actions, breathing and writing to see ourselves in the words we write to be the change is to see in self honesty the KEY to Freedom. It is in our destiny to become equality and oneness as the Breath of Life Here in the Physical.
This is providing us insight into the completely limitedness for we as human beings are all equally blind with our mind I's open ... the blind foolded.
In answer to One person can make a difference
"The Protests we see all around the world are about JUSTICE!
Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics; justice is the act of being just and/or fair Wikipedia
What this world needs now is Lessons in Ethics for the entire financial world!
The moral compass in the financial world is broke! And only the PEOPLE have the power to Fix it! Money in politics has created institutional corruption.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Join the Global Revolution!"
Through applying universal principles in SELF HONESTY the "Lessons in Ethics" will become realisations in Equality and Oneness as who we are we can learn to see and realise who we really are in equality and oneness - to see what is real and what really needs be done = www.equalmoney.org. We as human beings are at the ...currency all immoral by nature - we do NOT share (ourselves) - for thousands of years we have deeply corrupted ourselves by this unequal money system. We have become opportunists. The first step is thus allways the awareness that everything has allways been an illusion, to be able to stand up as equal and one as all here, to apply the tools of self forgiveness, self corrective actions, breathing and writing to see ourselves in the words we write to be the change is to see in self honesty the KEY to Freedom. It is in our destiny to become equality and oneness as the Breath of Life Here in the Physical.
The world system relation to the human mind system:
The Cure for our blindness / mindness as Humanity is to individually practically deprogram the mind CON sciousness system within and without ourselves - to each to STOP the CON of CON sciousnessc - one by one - breath by breath.
Stop CON your true self value as equal and one as all here..
Stop CON your true self value as equal and one as all here..
Stop the blindness by the mindness us pictured us the monster of the mind loch ness
To speak in and as EQUALITY:
To see real just is to learn to see / understand self FIRST what is common sense here = what is best for all Life on Earth at all times - no exceptions. Realise yourself that whatever goes through the head as the mind in NOT real. Only what is HERE, is what is REAL.
To see real just is to learn to see / understand self FIRST what is common sense here = what is best for all Life on Earth at all times - no exceptions. Realise yourself that whatever goes through the head as the mind in NOT real. Only what is HERE, is what is REAL.
By the process of removing the veil / mindfold that is covering our human physical eyes we are able to see more and more clear and become WHO WE REALLY ARE behind all of this...
Join the Global Universal Self Real I sation Evolution of Equality and Oneness - our Desteni:
www.desteni.co.zaJoin the Global Universal Self Real I sation Evolution of Equality and Oneness - our Desteni:
zondag 9 oktober 2011
Sex and spirituality - the manifestation of the church which is in the manifestation of the vagina
DesteniProductions — 9 september 2007 — I am here to talk about sex and spirituality. Lets look at an interesting geometrical manifestation in this world, which is the church. So, you are standing in front of this church. Okay. Now, it is in a front door section of a church just when you walk in the front. I know sometimes there are like side line entrees, but I am talking about the front. Okay, so, when your walk straight into the front there is an isle straight to the podium in the front where the priest will stand with the bible up front (of him) then you have the wings on the side and on the other side where the people will sit down in preparation of the gathering. Now look at this interesting perspective.
The church geometrical manifestation is designed as a vagina. Okay, and, have a look at the following; So, the people walking in to the vagina, are take on the male construct as the penis penetrating the vagina as the people walking into the vagina as the manifestation of the church straight in the center isle as the penis penetrating the vagina. And who else is standing on the podium 99% straight there is a male dominate figure as a priest which is the stability point of the structural experience thats about to take place.
So, now you have the manifestation of the church which is in the manifestation of the vagina. Then the people walking into the center isle which is the male construct penis penetrating the vagina and then you sit and then the ceremony starts which is like the orgasmic experience, where everyone sings and pray, and worship which is then the orgasmic experience. So Spirituality is equal to sex. Fascinating, have a look. You have the vagina you have the penis enter the vagina and then moves accordingly and has an orgasmic sexual experience. The same with spirituality with the church manifestation and religion, Have a look, The church in the manifestation of a vagina, the center isle where the penis is to penetrate the people take the male construct manifestation and they walk into the center isle as the penis of the vagina and then you have the male dominate figure in the center on the podium (I am getting to that in a moment) on the podium and then everyone sings sits on the isle its penetrated, Im in move and then the music and then the songs and then the worship and whoosh theres the orgasmic experience. So what does the male dominate figure on the podium represent; that which everyone is searching for, that is sex and spirituality. What are they searching for, the ONE, are they not?! Everyone is looking for the One in relationship, in experience of themselves in expression the yearning of something greater of something more profound. Hum! Isnt that interesting?
So, the priest standing on the podium represents the One that everyone is looking for, is searching for, to worship, something greater something more profound, purpose, reason, specialty, Gods knows what! So thats what the priest represents in the manifestation of the structural geometric design of the church as the vagina, people as the male penis penetrating the vagina and the One that they are searching for that they worship is standing there at the top
Sex has a Secret
DesteniProductions DesteniProduction Desteni join the forum at http://www.desteni.co.za for discussions
The church geometrical manifestation is designed as a vagina. Okay, and, have a look at the following; So, the people walking in to the vagina, are take on the male construct as the penis penetrating the vagina as the people walking into the vagina as the manifestation of the church straight in the center isle as the penis penetrating the vagina. And who else is standing on the podium 99% straight there is a male dominate figure as a priest which is the stability point of the structural experience thats about to take place.
So, now you have the manifestation of the church which is in the manifestation of the vagina. Then the people walking into the center isle which is the male construct penis penetrating the vagina and then you sit and then the ceremony starts which is like the orgasmic experience, where everyone sings and pray, and worship which is then the orgasmic experience. So Spirituality is equal to sex. Fascinating, have a look. You have the vagina you have the penis enter the vagina and then moves accordingly and has an orgasmic sexual experience. The same with spirituality with the church manifestation and religion, Have a look, The church in the manifestation of a vagina, the center isle where the penis is to penetrate the people take the male construct manifestation and they walk into the center isle as the penis of the vagina and then you have the male dominate figure in the center on the podium (I am getting to that in a moment) on the podium and then everyone sings sits on the isle its penetrated, Im in move and then the music and then the songs and then the worship and whoosh theres the orgasmic experience. So what does the male dominate figure on the podium represent; that which everyone is searching for, that is sex and spirituality. What are they searching for, the ONE, are they not?! Everyone is looking for the One in relationship, in experience of themselves in expression the yearning of something greater of something more profound. Hum! Isnt that interesting?
So, the priest standing on the podium represents the One that everyone is looking for, is searching for, to worship, something greater something more profound, purpose, reason, specialty, Gods knows what! So thats what the priest represents in the manifestation of the structural geometric design of the church as the vagina, people as the male penis penetrating the vagina and the One that they are searching for that they worship is standing there at the top
Sex has a Secret
DesteniProductions DesteniProduction Desteni join the forum at http://www.desteni.co.za for discussions
donderdag 6 oktober 2011
Wat is hoop? 'n Hoop stront!
Kunnen hongerenden ervan eten?
Hoop wordt gegeven, ervaren en voorgehouden als een wortel om maar als een zombie door te kunnen leven en niet wakker hoeven te worden om te gaan zien wat er nou werkelijk aan de hand is in de wereld als in onszelf - een bende aan gedachtes, gevoelens en emoties.
Waar komt al die hoop (shit) vandaan die je ziet als je wakker wordt en verder gaat kijken dan de kleine uiterst gelimiteerde leventjes die we allemaal leiden (lijden)? Onderzoek www.desteni.net
Het is toch duizenden jaren geleden voorzegd dat de mensengeest ziende blind en horende doof is! Laten we gaan horen en zien wat echt is en genezen van dat wat er in ons hoofd als de geest omgaat, want dat is NIET echt...
...dus is HOOP niet echt! Alle hoop stront praten zonder gewaarwording heeft ons / onze wereld gebracht in de staat waarin we nu verkeren: in de stront, ongelijkheid, lijden, misbruik, armoede, oorlog, prostitutie, enz..
* Oplossing Zelfgenezing = zelfvergeving "Hoop".
* Oplossing van Zelfverantwoording.
* Oplossing om deze Wereld te stoppen is een nieuw geldsysteem - GelijkheidsGeld Systeem - implementeren gebaseerd op gelijkheid en eenheid:* Oplossing van Zelfverantwoording.
dinsdag 4 oktober 2011
"Stilstand is achteruitgang"? - "Un monde gagné pour la technique est perdu pour la liberté”.
"Un monde gagné pour la technique est perdu pour la liberté”.
"Een wereld gewonnen voor de techniek is verloren voor de vrijheid."
Wat zeggen deze woorden, afkomstig van de Franse politiek schrijver Georges Bernanos?
Technologie zal ons tekortschieten:
"Naarmate onze technologische-verslaving zijn Hoogtepunt bereikt, zal technologie tekortschieten, zal wetenschap tekortschieten en immens lijden zal het Resultaat zijn. Dit is noodzakelijk opdat allen hun persona’s samen zullen kruisigen: Dat is de wil van Leven."
Lees hele artikel hier
De nederlandse vertaling - "Stilstand is achteruitgang":
Stilstand - welke stilstand?
Bedoeld wordt hier de menselijke perceptie dat als de geest / mind stilstaat dit achteruitgang is. Is dat werkelijk zo? Of is het omgekeerde het geval? Want de geest (bestaande uit gedachten, gevoelens en emoties) des mensen staat inderdaad (in de daad / act van het denken) NIET stil in deze wereld en wat is het gevolg: achteruitgang - achter de technologische vooruitgang!
Ongelijkheid, honger, misbruik, oorlog /conflicten nemen toe.
Dus - stilstand van de "machine op Aarde" zal werkelijke vooruitgang zijn:
" Bovendien, wordt deze "zelfbouwrealiteit" voortdurend bevestigd en "leven ingeblazen" door constante interactie met anderen, zodat een ieder niets anders is dan een klein radertje in deze gigantische machine die we "leven op Aarde" noemen, maar dat beter "machine op Aarde" of simpelweg "MAYA/MATRIX" genoemd kan worden. "
Lees hele artikel hier
Om te komen tot beweging door de opstanding in ZELF als wie we werkelijk zijn als eenheid en gelijkheid van Leven als één en gelijk als alles hier in de Adem is alleen mogelijk door de geest / mind in alle vormen te stoppen.
Nochthans zal ONS INNERLIJKE UITGANGSPUNT GELIJK zijn en dus zullen we bewegen als EEN.
Alles wat we nodig hebben is hier op Aarde aanwezig - de gelijke verdeling van geld is een eerste stap naar Vrijheid voor Iedereen Gelijk Geld. Dus - het stoppen van onze geest / matrix op Aarde is door de opstanding in Zelf en het proces zelfeerlijkheid te worden één en gelijk als alles hier zal Vrijheid brengen.
"Alles is omgekeerd en niets is wat het lijkt."
Gelijkheid en eenheid realiseren --- www.desteni.net --- www.desteni.co.za (officiële engelstalige site)
Gelijk(heids) Geld Systeem --- www.desteni-geld.net --- www.equalmoney.org
Zelfontwikkeling met inkomstenplan--- www.desteniiprocess.com
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