
zaterdag 28 januari 2012

2012: Founding Life on planet Earth instead of searching for life on other planets

"Life is found in honoring it in all forms that exist outside you independently where you then make sure they exist in ways you would like to exist = this is the most basest form of life as here as reality."

Don't you find it insane that we allow and accept looking for life on other planets while we even can't create life here on Earth for everyone equally? Don't you find it insane that we accept and allow billions of people starve to death and / or not having a decent life all the while we allow and accept governments / corporations to spend millions and billions on research in the universe? Not coming up with anything that is benevolant for all of mankind. Do you think it's worth spending that awefull lot of money on space programs or do we realise that we have to put an end to this system of inequality and insanity in order to put money towards life here on Earth for all people equally?

Why do the systems man has created not consider everyone equally? We have not evolved... we have devolved.
There is no life here on Earth - only fear and surviving. With Equal Money Life will originate here.

Future for the children. Will we create and leave a legacy for Life for us to be reborn in Equality and Freedom?

Let's leave the other planets alone and focus ourselves at ourselves within the realisation that humanity calls for our vote for equality within changing self into and as equal and one as all.

Will you / we become of worthiness through loving your neigbour as yourself and to give as to receive within supporting an Equal Money system where everybody can become Life self?

Join your Desteni of the universe - the world wide self movement of taking responsibility for all as one to become a decent human being as to replace this system with unconditional Basic Income / Equal Money for all.

2020 Equal Money - Equal Wages - the beginning of Life here on Earth.

As of 25 January 2012 the mirrors have been removed allowing those who dare to see beyond their programmed veils to confirm that there is no more afterlife and that every master, guru, angel, soul has been held accountable for what was allowed to happen to Earth. The fate of existence for All Life is now linked to the fate of Earth as One and Equal.
~ Bernard Poolman

Bernard Poolman - Nature is going on Strike on 2012 

vrijdag 27 januari 2012

2012: How to inflate the ego / consciousness through "positive daily affirmations"

I just came across these lines on one of those "The Secret" Facebook pages.

Examples of positive daily affirmations for success [read: SELF INTEREST] include:

1. I am successful.

2. Everything I do turns into success.

3. I am filled with success.

4. Success comes effortlessly to my direction.

5. My success is contagious, other people like it, seek it and respect it.

6. I attract positive-minded people to me; I draw all things positive to myself.

7. I am very fortunate to work at what I love to do.


Stop if only one of these examples apply to you! The Secret is Consciousness - The Enslavement of Man by Consciousness.

WARNING These are preprogrammed mind consciousness system fuck ups creating in the world the exact opposite: the 'negative' as seen in the compouding / accumulating of poverty, war, rape, murder, etc..

Go to the Desteni site and re-educate yourself. Prevent the end of this world through self honesty please.

We are one and equal! Cure self within doing what's best for ALL.

maandag 23 januari 2012

2012: Self forgiveness / self correction on "I don't understand this or that!?"

And self forgiveness on "That is beyond my comprehension". You know the outcry  "I don't understand that, it's beyond my comprehension!"? We all know these remarks. It's mind talk deriving from superiority, the head stand above / on top of the physical overlooking all = disregarding what is here in the physical. Real comprehension is to understand myself within the equation all is equal.

Our comprehension as and within the human mind consciousness is a limited system - that's why it understands originally rather little  - depending though on what one has allowed and accepted all to suppress to see / understand as in-fact being equal and one as all here. Our Self is able to understand all and everything, because Self is All and Everything. The mind however wants / needs control and manipulation through such remarks, we allow and accept ourselves to be taken over by the thought "I don't understand". This is how we can realise that when we hear the mind talk of "not understanding someone or something" we know we have to do with consciousness and have to release ourselves from that devious talk. Often it's in a little corner of the mind where we have tucked it away for sometimes most of our lives - from childhood where we get programmed and spend the rest of our lives broadcasting the same talk show program over and over again.

So - last year I came to this realisation that it is just not practical to here walk about having these phrases - not even one - looping in the head about something or someone and commenced applying self forgiveness whenever consciousness joins issues with me. Yes that's consciousness - the con me - bringing in separations / thoughts to divide me.
Like here for instance with my housemate. My consciousness finds / needs it to learn / say something to him, because my mind goes gossiping "I don't understand why he don't or do this or that" - "Why did he not put the curtains nice 'n' neat as it should" or whatever instead of staying here in breath - nagnagnag. This is quite a mean streak that still can persist in one way or more ways. I decided to pay off with this noncommon sense and simply put the phrase I hear in my head in the self forgivesness format and speak this out loud to get this system removed. In fact I've always realised it's unacceptable, but that ain't cutting the crap - hence I must walk the self correction in breath and really change self = is to stop these smart remarks in the head or out loud and breathe constantly.

Self forgiveness is here short-cutting my proces of becoming silent in the head as the mind.




"Self perfection in every breath is the breeze that is the breath in and out as one move with ease within that which is best for all already accomplished, and one move into that which is not yet accomplished with the certain self trust that like with all previous step to self perfection as life, you will also become the next step and the next and the next --breezing life into existence as oneself."
~ Bernard Poolman

2012: See you in 2013: When you descend here on Earth becoming a decent human being

Above: Meanwhile everyone got in the rapture/rapeture spirit...

2012 is a year in which a lot of spiritual / religious people await respectively a socalled 'ascension' or a 'rapture' event to take place. Well - this beLIEf was infused into human beings mind consciousness systems since the beginning of time to separate them from what is here - from realising who they really are as oneness and equality of Life.

The prophecy (profit) is not real, folks! Prophecy / self profit above Life - is an outrage for which the tool of Self-Forgiveness has been given by Desteni.
Therefore at the end of this year there will be a number that realises "Darn I am not being beamed up. The starship did not come. There was no special treatment for me in the dimension no. 5 / heaven. What the hell - I am still here!" "Shit - I now realise it is and has only been a delusion of the mind cause only the physical is real. How stupid can we get?"

Indeed, hell is here because we created it through participation in the mind as thoughts, feelings and emotions dividing and separating all and everything from eachother. So - I'll stay here and learn to work together with who and what is here to realise heaven on earth which for me means speaking up for and realising Unconditional Basic Income for all. That's how for me this year started, with participating here in the Netherlands in a group called Basisinkomen (Basic Income) - that's what we here will be doing for you to return and join our movement to be one vote for world equality to let common sense as what is best for all speak. That all may live a decent life on this cool planet.

Then we have this number that will invent a new date for their abdication of responsibility-event calling it ascension / rapture. A numerous time this has been done which has come into the news rather often. How undignified to let us here and having the fallacy to think to be special - plain old megalomania that needs cured through self forgiveness within self honesty.

Rap-e-ture - raped u are! Raped self from taking self responsibility for all as one.

The human 'spirit' rapes / violates Life here on Earth as our human physical bodies as the physical reality.
Only what is here is what is real. Starvation, poverty, human & animal abuse, wars is real and needs to be attended by all of us through a complete overhaul of the current system into the interim system of unconditional Basic Income to later install the system of Equal Money for All from birth till death.

So that we can leave the Earth in a decent state and stand for our legacy for the generations to come to create real Life = Equal Life Foundation!

Real Freedom starts with Equal Money

Send me a request for assistance and support how to realise what common sense is and / or to be your buddy in walking the Desteni I process together as equals to become a real physical being within self honesty --

zaterdag 14 januari 2012

2012: Debunking Nikola Tesla's "If you wish to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"

"Science should be the Study of HERE. Instead it has become the PAWN of Capitalism to misdirect and mismanage purely for Profit. Scientists are also LIMITED through the MIND and ONLY see PARTLY. This PARTLY is then influence by MONEY and become EVIL and is fails to support what is HERE as LIFE. Educate yourself at Desteni and Equal Money System."

Bernard Poolman

Gen I us - information we are instead of Life Here Equal and One.

Ok - here I go dissecting a little from one of the many quotes from / form the world, because people beLIEve in these impressed "scientific" premises, to be able to see behind the veil that has been put over humans beings eyes and expose the manifested consequence thereof. The little information the human is been given / infused into the MIND by our creators to entertain ourselves with has been misdirected by us into separate parts / fields separate from all that is here separate from self as all and everything.

First of all we see the words "to wish", "to find". So if we take a closer look within self honesty into these words: what are they portraying when we are "wishing" for something or even "wishing to find" things (like secrets in this case) when who we are has been HERE in every moment of breath all along? Let's wish to see what is here within our world within our fellow human being. There we find the universe - in other beings we find / see in fact what we have ourselves separated from in wishing
higher or greater stuff outside ourselves. Sharing a breath with other beings as self is the secret to the universe. We are the universe.

The act of thinking thoughts that do not support what's best for all Life equally is a huge accepted and allowed separation from the breath as who we are and we think we have to think out of survival techniques.

Then the word "secret" - this derives from the verb to secrete - here the synomyns to reveal the information within:

Word: secrete (verb)

Synonym of secrete: bury
Synonym of secrete: camouflage
Synonym of secrete: cloak
Synonym of secrete: disguise
Synonym of secrete: exudate
Synonym of secrete: exude
Synonym of secrete: keep under wraps
Synonym of secrete: mask
Synonym of secrete: ooze
Synonym of secrete: ooze out
Synonym of secrete: release
Synonym of secrete: transude
Synonym of secrete: veil

The universe is physical - what we can touch. Energy, frequency and vibrations are not physical - they are mind entity experiences we perceive as real, self interested energies of feelings and emotions where the physical reality is being ignored.

Let us realise that whatever goes through the mind as the head is not real - that only the PHYSICAL as what is HERE is REAL.

As we see / realise / understand that who we are is HERE as absolute we can begin to see / realise / understand that "energy", "frequency" and "vibration" we create within the mind, derives from consciousness as thoughts generating self interested energies of feelings and emotions and that this consciousness is and has always been limited - thus, we can see energy, frequency and vibrations can never be the key to the universe, but merely being 'information' (downpoured 'in' the human physcial 'form') to realise how we ruin by neglect our physical reality as our physical bodies through perceiving those entities of any value other then that it makes money for the few that are able to sell the tale.

Secrets are obviously never common sense as what is best for all though exposing all of the (self)deceptive nature of our mind consciousness systems.

Living Self Forgiveness within Self Honesty equal and one as all here is the KEY to the universe.

dinsdag 10 januari 2012

2012: "Christians have nothing to fear!" -- Beliefs = fears

2012 The Year of Fear Is Here

"The year of fear is here!?"

Reality check #1: Beliefs = fears of being HERE.

Reality check #2: Apprehension = fear (synonym)

I came across this statement "2012 The year of fear is here" - "Christians have nothing to fear!" on the internet and I like to dissect it here and transform these words into common sense as what is best for all.

Supposedly in a book called bible there is a speaking words of faith directed towards the fears that plague the year 2012. Here is being impressed upon people as if words of faith will remove fear - sense is to realise it merely suppresses what is really experienced inside and creating within this world as ourselves what is being referred to as "apocalypse", "endtimes", etc.. Indeed apocalypse = lifting of the veil, the revelation of the self-dishonest core of us human beings.Time to end money as God the system.

We've always feared.

The real raw nature of ourselves is darkness and we are so afraid of facing this we run away from it over and over again. (...)
What is happening in this world: everything that is manifesting in this existence is infact parts of ourself and we have for eons of time feared to face these parts. And within that very resistance of what we fear, we have suppressed it, but suppression doesn't mean it become NONEXISTENT. And now it is come to the stage and era of humanity that everything that we feared, everything that we've suppressed, everything that we've hidden from is starting to emerge and come to the fore and with quite a velocity. So - one starts to look at its own process...

The mess accumulating in this world represents the mess inside us - the mess inside our minds of thoughts, feelings, emotions and backchat / internal conversations as separations from the physical as ourselves as who we really are as oneness and equality, TIME for realising the simple principle of All Life being Equal.

Also it is apparently possible to not take into consideration all the people that is here as equal through accepting and allowing to divide people up in those who beLIEve and those who don't beLIEve. This is a polarity as stated in the beginning of the bible just NOT to go into. The mind is obviously the plague! Like the 'rest' can go fuck themselves in fear, cause "christians" have "faith" is in reality more like "christians" don't give a fuck about their neighbours as themselves as equal and one. "Nonchristians" can go to Jericho? See what has been written in the word beLIEf? Giving choice though to a book over others as self is mere insanity. This kind of utterances I heard a lot as well when I was 'attending' these meetings of an evangelical congregation for a couple of years. Christianity is a cult. It disgusted me back then as is disgusts me now that still the same program is running. This interpretation exhibits complete self-interest instead of what is best for all in equality. No practical application of what Jesus was indicating when he was here. I forgive myself that I have not allowed and accepted myself to see / realise / understand the proper tools and words to stand up and to correct this within myself as within my world as Desteni is presenting to us. Therefore I as we all have created these manifested consequences of not actually loving and taking care of our neighbours as ourselves. 

A huge mistake has been made time after time by perceiving people in "devout" and "nondevout" which is absolute nonsense, an atrocity and the opposite of Jesus message of equality and oneness of life here in the physical. Jesus held a mirror in front of people: see self reflected in others. To have thoughts in your secret mind about other people is what is in-fact the Evil! Can we now see what this unequality is doing unto this world - this wor(l)d as apparently separate from religious / spiritual folk?

Only speaking out loud fears as words within self honesty within the self forgiveness format will remove the (suppressed) fears plus living the self corrective statements thereof here as the living word as the breath of life.
Not taking responsibility for all as one is what has gotten us in this mess in the first plave - which is now called 'signs of the endtimes'. The mind as God is showing his ugly head... preprogrammed mind systems.

2012 2013 ... The END of the mind and to BEGIN living as equals.

Therefore "christians" have as we all have to forgive ourselves for allowing and accepting these massive separations / (self) abusive mind / world systems - there is no other way out than clearing the temple and living here on Earth as equal and one. For everybody common sense as what is best for all to be born

At the END of the world LIFE wil be born from the Physical.

zondag 8 januari 2012

2012: Blood Type O Plan: Stopping Coffee Point

Here I am sharing my stopping coffee. A couple of days ago I came across the Blood Type Diet as mentioned by Bernard Poolman from the Desteni group as beneficial for the physical. I am as all in the process of walking out the mind into and as the physical here as breath. That life is about the physical I had understood as a child from Jesus and marginilised since then - in this marginilised myself as the physical as life for which I will forgive myself my past time line. So - what to eat and drink and what not to eat and drink what is best for my body is important stuff to me. A lot of points on food I had already seen into with regards to survival within myself / experienced self only this coffee thing was new to me or maybe I was resisting it first to see which seem more plausible. I started the days with coffee for the last 4 years or so - before I wouldn't do it on an empty stomach. What is common sense in this? It raises stomach acid says the blood type diet and blood sugar levels I read in articles from a dutch researcher. Within the dutch Desteni material I read it gets / brings me here - therefore it supports hereness / awareness which I'm indeed afraid to go missing. That's nonsense of course cause I can only miss myself. All we infact need is breath awareness here. OK - I immediately saw that I was quite addicted mindwise to my six little half regular / half decaf cups of coffees equivalent to 3 cups a day - mornings, middays, evenings.

I like it as a principle to not be attached to anything outside me or at least do without for a time or stopping it as a process as a whole. So - here I am after three days without coffee writing about coffee. The exception being at work friday at the briefing where I was automatically getting a cup at the counter. What a robot I am - I realised later that day. The exception being the point to show me that I walked as a sheep behind the others. Together with me having accustomed myself to eat something with my coffee which I would otherwise not eat - rather 'starve' because of low appetite and / or not knowing what to eat. The whole unsure food thing / chain reaction to food yet to be stopped within me.

Our minds [thoughts, feelings, emotions] is depleting our bodies therefore we eat as to supplement again, the so-called 'life' cycle.

Whenever I realise myself I crave for coffee - I stop, I breath - I do not allow myself to crave for coffee, because I realise that I am craving for myself as here as breath as what life really is. Instead - I face myself and take responsibility for whatever it is that is bothering me.

Underneath there exist sadness - in dutch coffee is called 'bakkie troost' which translates as 'cup of comfort' - therefore I am residing in some comfort zône / habit within myself. Close to home Desteni participant Ingrid Schaefer - being educated in food more deeply then this world will reveal - advises to stop for at least three months and / or stay under three cups (always the threes lol - not for me though as type O) as to test oneself what to let go physically as physical fluidity shows. So - I will have to self-willed breath through those 'sadness' separation points within myself.

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be unsure if I can be consistent in this point (as in other points...) instead of realising that this will assist and support me physically to walk through my accepted and allowed sadness to exist within and as me.

The blood of me...

Link to the Blood Type Diet >>

Yes and the say cheese and eating so much meat I will see. Also cool to read - not translated into english yet - is the psychology of food and self-realisation by Christiane Beerlandt. I will look into that shortly.


woensdag 4 januari 2012

2012: Geestelijke ontwikkeling vs. zelfontwikkeling

Zo Boven (de geest) zo Beneden ( het lichaam) moet verstaan worden als de mensheid zichzelf wil BEVRIJDEN van Zelfbedrog en Illusies.
Zie Desteni en VERANDER je Bestemming. 
~ Bernard Poolman

Geestelijke ontwikkeling houdt in de geest te ontspinnen / ontwarren / ontdoen. Ont-wikkelen is iets uitpluizen als tegenovergestelde van in-wikkelen.

Er bestaat nu al duizenden jaren een enorme misvatting over wat geest is, dus ook wat geestelijke ontwikkeling werkelijk inhoudt. Niets is werkelijk want geest is gedachten, gevoelens en emoties en zijn niet werkelijk - in de zin van niet tastbaar, niet nodig. Alleen wat HIER is is wat WERKELIJK is. Geest / gedachte laat ons zien waar we onszelf we onszelf beperken. Er zijn allerlei firma's druk met mensen te 'behandelen' vanuit o.a. het concept dat geest iets is dat we schijnbaar moeten behouden en zo gekneed moet worden dat hij of zij in de maatschappij past - met of zonder medicatie. Als we ons beseffen dat 'de maatschappij' een denkbeeldige realiteit is, dan staan we dus toe en accepteren we dat we ons als onze medemensen laten kneden om in een denkbeeldige realiteit te passen, hetgeen juist is waar we als mensen op aarde last van hebben: denkbeelden / gedachten die allerlei gevoelens en emoties genereren. Vandaar dat vele mensen die in het circuit van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg terecht komen vaak jarenlang aan die instellingen gelieërd (moeten) blijven, omdat deze tegenstelling niet duidelijk is aan allen - om zo ook de geldmachine op gang te houden.
Niet te vergeten de verdiensten die gemaakt worden ten bate van 'hulpbehoevenden' - het is immers de 'zorgverlenenden' hun brood - afgezien van het feit of ze nu echt realiseren waar ze mee bezig zijn of niet. Geest - ziel - lichaam hebben we werkelijk begrip waar we over spreken? Als men in de zorg zelfeerlijk hier naar gaat kijken zal men in zelf zien dat de initiële beweegreden geld / inkomen / eigen overleving is.

Een andere firma - kerk/ religie -  weet zo ook velen
'onwetenden' aan zich te binden door ze voor te houden dat het in de mensheid gaat om de geestelijke ontwikkeling - God is geest hoog te houden. Integendeel  was de boodschap van Jezus "Heb geen oordeel" is gelijk aan "Heb geen gedachte" is gelijk aan "Heb geen geest".

Ik heb in de beide 'werelden' die in de geest handelen als ik hierboven schets gewandeld - dit ook  realiserende - alleen niet in woorden kunnen plaatsen, dus mezelf niet kunnen plaatsen. Woorden is alles wat we hebben! Dit ben ik nu aan het leren - mezelf hier in het gescheven woord uit te drukken en mezelf te vergeven voor alle momenten niet te zijn opgestaan in die vergane momenten van realisaties i.p.v. daarvan mezelf te hebben onderdrukt door gedachten en emoties.

Dus zien we de enorme misvatting omtrent geest en geestelijke ontwikkeling?

Het Zelf. Het zelf is in alles en iedereen hetzelfde - het zelf universeel en onsterfelijk. Dus met zelfontwikkeling werken is universeel - is onbeperkt en expanderend - door het zelf te bevrijden van alles dat niet zelf als alles en iedereen gelijk is. Dit is door ons te vergeven van gedachten, gevoelens en emoties die 'andere' mensen ons laten zien over onzelf om gelijk te worden als zelf als alles - om werkelijk zelf te worden, te worden wie we werkelijk zijn als eenheid en gelijkheid van leven hier. Innerlijke gelijkheid en eenheid is innerlijke stilte, vrede. Zelf op te lossen / te realiseren zelfwaarde en zelfvertrouwen als Leven hier Gelijk.

De essentiële gereedschappen zijn:

* Zelfeerlijkheid leven één en gelijk als alles hier in praktische toepassing in elk moment.

* Zelfvergeving wanneer er een gedachte, gevoel en/of emotie van de geest in je opkomt om zo onmiddelijk te stoppen met het participeren in de geest / mind en daarmee met het voeden van het geest- / mindsysteem.

* Focussen op elke ademhaling hier, om hier als adem te blijven en te realiseren dat alles wat echt is jij hier bent in elk moment van ademen dat wat er ook in je hoofd als de geest / mind omgaat niet echt is.

* Schrijven want met schrijven assisteer en ondersteun je jezelf door recht voor je neus jezelf in woorden te zien en door wanneer je schrijft - als er emoties, gevoelens, gedachten en/of herinneringen opkomen - zelfvergeving toe te passen.

Door het geestsysteem raken we eigenlijk steeds verder van huis -  in de geest bestaat geen vrijheid slechts beperking - stoppen we de geest,
stoppen we de verslaving aan het denken en afscheiding van onszelf als de adem als wie werkelijk zijn!
Leef hier als alles als één en gelijk.

Desteni Nederland